But a lacking mental capacity or poor attitude might impede their progress towards maximization of potential.
Mr Senior had denied 10 counts of ill-treating or neglecting persons who lack mental capacity.
Coaches often rave about Kidd's mental capacity, but his game will also be remembered for its completeness.
The final hearing of the day was a briefing on the Mental Capacity Bill from DOJ officials.
And being drunk does not mean that the will creator lacked the mental capacity to create a will.
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That is roughly 40 million people who have lost physical and mental capacity through the natural aging process.
Stanford currently lacks the mental capacity to assist his lawyers in his case, according to the Houston court.
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Timing makes a huge difference with regard to estate planning, whether because of taxes, interest rates, mental capacity or insurability.
However, the judge said people who lacked mental capacity in some aspects of their lives could still make "deeply personal decisions".
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Clark left generous gifts to charity and to two of her nurses, but questions have been raised about her mental capacity.
One of the most common allegations in estate litigation is that the testator lacked the mental capacity to sign his will.
Those with a ninth-grade literacy level or higher were 4 to 5 times as likely to maintain their mental capacity with age.
The Secretary of State considers that all of these factors are potentially relevant to Senator Pinochet's mental capacity to participate in a trial.
The issue is whether Clark possessed the requisite mental capacity to make the gifts, and whether those advising her were acting purely on her behalf.
Holmes' attorneys are expected to present a diminished mental capacity defense.
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Patients were not able to make decisions relating to their care and regular reviews of people's mental capacity to consent to treatment had not taken place.
Anybody with the mental capacity sufficient to read your newspaper could tell by glancing at approximate figures that the tax due would be zero, as indeed it was.
She said the "failings were collective errors of judgment" and the local authority was reviewing its training for staff regarding the Mental Capacity Act and deprivation of liberty safeguards.
"It is not right that consumers who don't have the mental capacity to fend off tricksters should have to pay the price, " said Teresa Perchard, director of policy at Citizens Advice.
Around 500 at risk women, between the ages of 70 to 92, were tracked for five years - their mental capacity was tested at the start and end of the study.
Doctors at the BMA's annual conference in Liverpool this month voted overwhelmingly against supporting a motion "allowing the choice of an assisted death by patients who are terminally ill and who have mental capacity".
Analysis by 5 live Investigates suggests someone in Leicestershire is more than 40 times more likely to be deprived of their liberty using the safeguards in the Mental Capacity Act than someone in Tower Hamlets.
In 2010, he was found guilty of two counts of wilfully ill-treating or neglecting a person who lacked mental capacity, but was cleared of eight identical charges linked to named residents at the home after a week-long trial.
Deputy Pryke said the laws are on the themes of road accidents, mental health capacity and medicines.
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They measure our mental toughness, our capacity to grow and accept non-traditional ways of doing things.
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The proposed legislation provides rules on caring for people who lack capacity through mental illness or disability, in England and Wales.
On a deeper level mental agility is the capacity to weigh conflicting options, to be able to make hard choices when both options are good, such as which business to buy or which employee to promote.
The plan outlines specific, common-sense steps we can take right now to help keep guns out of the wrong hands, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase access to mental health services.
McKinney said people tend to focus on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, but he said "there's a lot here underneath the surface" addressing mental health, school security and other issues.
It is a capacity, as NYU professor of neurology points out in The Wisdom Paradox, that is fundamental to our mental world.
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