He's reported as conceding that line of work means some are bound to fail, and messily.
He eats gratefully, messily, his hands touching the invisible, marvellous food in the darkness.
It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily.
He said poor supervision had led to "work left undone or done messily".
BBC: Travellers at the Beijing West Railway Station, Jan 2013
The other, known as the Standard Model, deals with everything else more messily.
In France, the government is committed to decentralisation, but its devolution plan for Corsica was messily rejected in a recent referendum.
Elsewhere in the Arab world, democracy is edging ahead, however messily.
Messily, perhaps, European leaders are at least debating some of the right questions: what degree of fiscal federalism and risk-sharing does the euro zone need to overcome the crisis?
The room is in poor condition: peeling paint, crowded work spaces, electrical wires messily hung on the walls and piles of unorganized fabrics, make the small space feel even smaller.
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Yet the coalition has made little effort to attack corruption, and has wasted energy on bickering and back-stabbing, messily dismissing one would-be reforming prime minister, Radu Vasile, from its own ranks last December.
Another example: Almost everyone today is aware of the phrase of another Austrian-born economist, Joseph Schumpeter: "creative destruction, " which describes the process in a capitalist economy whereby new technology and new companies messily supplant the old.
When he messily switched teams, gave up his Alpha Dog status to teammate Dwyane Wade, and still failed to win a championship in his first year, the naysayers seized on every opportunity to call him a choke artist, a waste of talent, a loser.
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