More and more gene tests are emerging that aim to predict the course of disease in middle-aged and older people who are already sick.
And elderly people unable to work should get the same benefits as young people and middle-aged people unable to work.
Most important of all, in offices, on construction sites, on football pitches around the world, the great, complex, social, co-operative endeavours which typify our species and make us human, in all of these you find middle-aged people telling supposedly sharper and stronger young adults what to do.
There, I've said it: Middle-aged men and women and people old enough to be thanked by Willard on the "Today" show still want it all.
They were young and middle-aged workers, people who lived in Beijing but did not have the much-prized residency permit that would allow them to settle with their families.
Unlike earlier generations of video games, which appealed mainly to narrow demographic groups, Second Life is popular with women as well as with men, and with middle-aged people as well as teenagers.
ECONOMIST: A fantasy world where people make their own films
Why do middle-aged people like phone and face-to-face?
FORBES: Young People, Stop Just Texting Me and Give Me a Call Once in a While PLZ! Part Deux
Middle-aged people, between 30 and 60, are normally looking for rejuvenation through facelifts.
As female employment has risen and divorce become acceptable, there are probably fewer people who feel like that among middle-aged and older women, the groups that have seen the sharpest falls in suicide rates.
There were some middle-aged folks, some kids, and many people in-between.
It's these adverse effects - which can be serious and even fatal - which have prevented doctors from recommending daily aspirin for healthy middle-aged people.
And although imaging studies show that middle-aged people may use different brain regions to do the same old tasks, cognitive tests show that apart from brute speed, the brain's abilities are not diminished in middle age.
Their article, published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, examined the marital history and health indicators for 8, 652 middle-aged people in research funded by the National Institute on Aging.
CNN: Divorce takes health toll that remarriage can't heal, study says
Club Med had become Club Red because the young people who were once its customers were now middle-aged and less thrilled by its offer of organised, communal living, however comfortable.
These participants and their spouses, now numbering about 4, 500 people, are overwhelmingly white, highly educated, middle-aged and affluent.