Mass murderers tend to be middle-aged men who see themselves as victims of injustice.
You often bump into visiting vets, middle-aged men with flabby muscles and military tattoos.
One-third of all the deaths among middle-aged men was attributed to smoking.
When half the members of a teenage girls' online chatroom turned out to be middle-aged men, it was hardly a Tocquevillean moment.
Soon a steady stream of portly, middle-aged men were clambering into the gallery, stripping off their jackets, and bending their ears to the receiver.
If you find yourself surrounded by middle-aged men in blue jeans and a quarterback who keeps getting picked off, you're not with your family.
The remaining state-owned enterprises are grey assemblies of middle-aged men and women, with retired former employees still living in company housing on upper floors.
There, I've said it: Middle-aged men and women and people old enough to be thanked by Willard on the "Today" show still want it all.
Peptic ulcers, also related to poor diet, along with stress, were reported most in Carlisle, where 17.5% of middle-aged men said they had suffered from them.
Buyers ranging from young couples to middle-aged men in shabby suits packed sacks of rice into strollers, while others slung them into backpacks or suitcases with wheels.
Middle-aged men and women that just two minutes before seemed like they lived boring daily grind lives were laughing in joy like small children on Christmas morning.
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Their team studied DNA samples from 470 middle-aged men and women who were already taking part in a long-term study of atherosclerosis led by USC's James Dwyer.
The receptionist introduced me as I walked into the room and observed four middle-aged men seated around a long, shiny, mahogany conference table all staring blankly at me.
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He's become particularly enthusiastic about spending on infrastructure, because of its potential to reduce joblessness among lower-skilled, middle-aged men, who are among those hardest hit by the recession.
The boys are middle-aged men now, thickening and growing bald.
She interviewed middle-aged men in the trough of corporate downsizing.
It is hard to associate some of the teenage lads and wheezing middle-aged men, hoping to join some informal village-based militia, with any kind of organised fighting force.
The beauty of this film is that unlike others involving middle-aged men, a mid-life crisis and a woman young enough to be his daughter, theirs is a purely platonic relationship.
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Middle-aged men are usually worried about their protruding stomachs.
After a day carving the slopes in the French Alps, three middle-aged men settle in for tea in the lounge of Les Airelles, a luxurious inn at the top of the mountains in Courchevel, France.
The sport's renaissance here is partly due to a dedicated fan base of middle-aged men who played the game in their youth and are now trying to recruit and train the next generation of players.
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Det Ch Insp Richard Harkness appealed for information from taxi drivers and motorists at the Cunningham Terrace car park, Omagh, and especially the two middle-aged men who helped Jason into his taxi with his friend after the assault to contact police.
External stressors such as joblessness play a role. (National figures on whether suicides increased in the 2008 recession are not in yet, but suicides generally go up in bad economic times.) The very elderly once had the highest suicide rate, but middle-aged men and women, 45 to 54 (see graph, below), have surged recently and surpassed them.
The days when only middle-aged white men benefit from wasteful corporate spending are long gone.
Prostate cancer is rare in the under 50's, but more 'young middle - aged' men are being diagnosed.
Among middle-aged Japanese men recently, suicide rates have soared so high that they are making a real difference to the profitability of life insurers.
At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler (or two) of late-night Scotch.
Previous research has also found significantly lower concentrations of testosterone in middle-aged and elderly men who developed Alzheimer's disease.
Gout is most commonly associated with pain in the joint of the big toe of middle-aged and older men who are obese, diabetic, hypertensive and drink alcohol, but gout can occur in any joint of adult men and women of any health status and any age.