That's a pretty reasonable, middle-of-the-road, common-sense approach to both tax reform and entitlement reform.
Debit interchange fees in the US are already middle-of-the-road compared to more regulated markets.
However, because of different methodology, the fish gets a middle-of-the-road "yellow" from the Blue Ocean Institute.
Middle-of-the-road, middle-class Spaniards are still put off by a whiff of autocratic intolerance in his party.
The question now is whether Mr Mitzna can dent Mr Sharon's broad support among middle-of-the-road voters.
Our middle-of-the-road GE Monogram oven gets gushing reviews and has magical racks that glide in and out.
Their cars tend to be bland middle-of-the-road vehicles that are pretty good, but don't get anybody's attention.
Middle-of-the-road Wal-Mart is the bigger social media star, with more than twice the number of followers as Kim.
FORBES: Sorry, Kim Kardashian, Wal-Mart is More Popular Among the Facebook, Twitter Crowd
It could make it harder for him to woo middle-of-the-road voters in the approach to next September's general election.
That represents middle-of-the-road consensus, positive action for the economy and for the country.
His music truly lives up to this, with a song that meanders incessantly along the featureless track marked middle-of-the-road.
This official, formerly a member of Congress, is a middle-of-the-road kind of guy.
The film gets a very middle-of-the-road B rating from audiences, according to Cinemascore.
FORBES: Snow Can't Stop 'Identity Thief' From Stealing Huge Box Office
They are cooing about their success in recruiting Charlie Crist, Florida's middle-of-the-road governor, to run for the Senate, for example.
ECONOMIST: The Republicans could learn a lot from the Democrats
Importantly, a leading middle-of-the-road commentator, Dan Margalit, has told the prime minister to quit, if only because of his stonewalling.
But he said the "middle-of-the-road audience" may have to choose between Holland and Cullum and alternative attractions at Summer Pops.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Bryn Terfel festival 'crisis'
But in 1996 he won control of Southam, Canada's largest chain, known for its loose management and its flabby, middle-of-the-road, publications.
The Bavarian leader is managing to present himself as a middle-of-the-road moderate.
He also gets on well with Viktor Chernomyrdin, Russia's middle-of-the-road prime minister.
Mr Netanyahu is expected to make a bid for the middle-of-the-road vote.
Although he needs middle-of-the-road support if he is to retain the prime ministership, he cannot afford to lose too much of the far right.
If a deal is signed, he will project himself to the middle-of-the-road voter as a tough bargainer who is also a pragmatist and statesman.
Mr Obama's relentless courting of middle-of-the road voters also paid off, providing him with some evidence that he has succeeded in crossing the red-blue divide.
Republicans still will likely walk a fine line on values, careful not to alienate middle-of-the-road swing voters even as they appeal to their conservative supporters.
And two other middle-of-the-road parties, the Liberals and the Christian Democrats, both sound as unkeen as Mr Daleus is to gang up with Mr Persson.
At the Republican convention in San Francisco, Goldwater attacked middle-of-the-road Republicanism.
It is still not yet certain that the conservatives' new middle-of-the-road message, with its stress on family values and creating new jobs, had been getting through.
Still more will find themselves out of work on election night, as the recent round of redistricting threatens several middle-of-the-road representatives in Illinois, North Carolina and elsewhere.
Loosely organised, they will probably not win seats but may well pull middle-of-the-road voters away from the Christian Social Union, speeding a two-decade decline in its support.
The first crack at forming a coalition will therefore go to an amiable nonentity, Kjell Magne Bondevik, leader of the middle-of-the-road Christian People's Party, which made big gains.