But will Obama and his top aides dig in and refuse to move to the middle a bit?
CNN: Obama's first year: Strong foundation or house of cards?
By that logic, the Spending Review is regressive in the broad sense (worse for the bottom half than the top half) but when it comes down to specifics, is actually going to squeeze the middle a little bit more than the absolute poor.
After a decade of hardship for middle class families, and a recession that wiped away millions of jobs, we are in the middle of a tough fight to rebuild this economy and put folks back to work.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: GOP Rewarding Corporations that Create Jobs Overseas | The White House
The UK is currently in a middle of a new wave of weeping in public life, he says.
Elsewhere, Ramsey take on Bacchas B in a middle of a table clash and bottom of the league Castletown B meet Valkyrs B.
These dolls open in the middle to reveal a smaller doll, which opens in the middle to reveal a yet smaller doll...and so on.
In India, the middle class is largely a new political movement as the lower-middle class plays a significant part in general elections votes.
Prof Dave Moore, the director of the Institute of Hearing Research in Nottingham, said the the workings of the ear were incredibly precise and constantly vibrating meaning rebuilding hairs was like trying to demolish and then rebuild a 15-storey building in the middle of a city, without damaging any of the surrounding buildings all in the middle of an earthquake.
One job found him working outside as a bricklayer in the middle of a torrential storm.
This is a school in the middle of a tough neighborhood in South Memphis.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Replacing ��No Child Left Behind�� This Year
"A middle section of a row of shops, with flats above, has completely collapsed, " a spokesman said.
BBC: Sheffield city centre building collapse prompts rescues
Blind Brook operates an elementary school, a middle school and a high school.
"One soldier approached a woman in the middle of a crowd, " he said.
"It was made in a deliberate mad rush for a tent in the middle of a field, " says Holmes.
The proposed sanction represents a middle ground between a reprimand and censure, which would have forced him to give up the speaker's post.
In 1997, the budget deal struck by Clinton and the Republicans was not so much a meeting in the middle as a swap of major priorities.
I'll write a 14th-century Sharpe, which means we have to have a battle at the beginning, a battle in the middle and a battle at the end.
That light switch introduces a middle man, a layer of separation between the action and the thing you really want to work on, which is the light.
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The Department of Justice has now sought a middle ground, a way to more loudly affirm the rule of law without threatening to put the lawbreakers, on whose survival the economy depends, out of business.
According to the California Innocence Project, the woman later admitted that Banks had not kidnapped or raped her during a consensual encounter at Long Beach Polytechnic High School, where Banks was a middle linebacker with a scholarship offer from the University of Southern California.
Organizations that allow clients to see their silos, said Trefler, Organizations that have to transfer a customer in the middle of a call to finish a service interaction, or organizations which have to guess what the customer wants instead of having the system predict it based on the customer history and previous calls.
FORBES: In Managed Care, Data Plus Integration Plus Rules Equals Information
Think of the island as a giant pothole in the middle of a freeway.
Their main courtyard includes a swimming pool with a concrete platform in the middle and a subterranean subwoofer.
When a politician is in the middle of a personal firestorm it is inevitable that they can't think clearly.
It displays a dead chicken in the middle of a table, around which sit six of Britain's most famous academicians.
Mark Glover, chair of the Gedling Conservation Trust, said building a solar farm in the middle of a country park would be "preposterous".
So I guess I missed my chance at an "exclusive" with Wolfowitz -- a comical moment in the middle of a serious story.
There, as a schoolboy, he had encountered a sign that featured a shoe with a spiky heel in the middle of a red circle with a diagonal slash.
He says his wine and spirits business, the biggest distributor in Illinois, has seen a serious uptick in the middle of a recession as bars and restaurants in the Chicago area fill up during the Blackhawks' playoff run.