Creating a regulated market and opting for a less militaristic approach should decrease violence, he said.
Workers at the militaristic firm had to wear laced shoes until the early 1980s.
The raw materials network, run with militaristic precision, is independently owned but entirely dedicated to the Golden Arches.
Many European countries think Plan Colombia is too militaristic, and they are worried too about the armed forces' human-rights record.
His many other inventions -- including explosive materials like the smokeless powder Ballistite -- were used for militaristic, mining, construction and other industrial purposes.
As Jonathan Pitney points out in his book The Art of Political Warfare7, American domestic political discourse is laced with militaristic jargon.
Indeed, at his confirmation hearing, McCaffrey said that the metaphor of a war on drugs was inadequate - too militaristic and macho.
German horizons were thereby broadened from the country's rigid, militaristic, authoritarian past.
On the other hand you have the Idrians, a warlike society of ancient creatures strictly bound to a deep militaristic code of ethics.
FORBES: Aliens, Global Warming, and the Intergalactic Arms Race
In later series, we discover that Starfleet is more of a militaristic than an exploratory, entrepreneurial arm of the United Federation of Planets.
If the consequence of Tuesday's double murder is a display of militaristic toughness, the troubled inner-city estates may become even more difficult to police.
McCain could probably parry charges that he's too militaristic, Kuhn says.
Skeptics might counter that Jamaica's opening ceremony outfits are militaristic, too.
Such campaigning women, though, were hardly popular in militaristic pre-war Japan.
It failed in the 1930s because Britain and France were unwilling to take forceful action against Germany and Italy, not to mention an increasingly militaristic Japan.
Moreover, Britain does not waste billions of pounds each year on dubious defence projects and militaristic self-indulgence, and is better able to spend the money elsewhere.
His lifelong passion is Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War the epic clash between those former allies, militaristic Sparta and democratic Athens, that closed out the fifth century B.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
He said he was trying to move Portland, which can hold nearly 600 young people aged between 15 and 21, away from its very rigid and militaristic past.
"Eisenhower the military man was not militaristic, " writes Mr. Nichols.
"What we thought we saw was a very militaristic landscape, very sparsely populated and all we saw was what survived at the surface, " said Dr David Woolliscroft from Liverpool University.
Before the East Room ceremony, the militaristic and somber atmosphere was lightened by Romesha's son, Colin, who climbed the podium and examined the lectern, briefly playing hide-and-seek with the bemused onlookers.
Velasco is no stranger to strong, militaristic soundtracks, either.
Earlier, I mentioned 'armies' but maybe that's too militaristic.
But it was all delivered in the militaristic speak of "light, medium and heavy ordnance" - a language familiar to the general but not easily understood by others - especially those listening in at Ulster Unionist headquarters.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Analysis: Why deal stalled
For all his popularity, Mr Erdogan is a polarising figure who, in his second term, has lost the support of many Turkish liberals and intellectuals who once saw him as a democratic pioneer, pushing back the militaristic state that ruled the country for most of the 20th Century.
This militaristic SUV was the ideological forerunner to the Hummer H1 and was popular among wealthy Saudi sheiks for its ability to conquer desert terrain (it was said the LM002 was designed to accommodate gun turrets for such owners to defend their sheikdoms, but this could not be confirmed).