• Millenarian sects, especially tiny ones, gleefully quote the text showing that only 144, 000 people will be saved.

    ECONOMIST: Heaven on earth

  • The solution to this millenarian cul-de-sac is to create more creative zombie narratives.

    WSJ: Why Zombies Are Everywhere

  • To Mr. Clinton's millenarian eye, every disagreement seems merely a misunderstanding, every dispute (even over the exact same piece of land) amenable to a resolution that has no losers.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And it is true, as Gershom Gorenberg argues in his racy discussion of the various weird cults with designs on Temple Mount, that Jerusalem does not want for religious crackpots of every persuasion who would resort to violence in pursuit of some millenarian dream.

    ECONOMIST: Hope in a hate-infected city

  • Mr Hoffman, who helps run a terrorism research centre at the University of St Andrew's in Scotland, has argued that ultra-rightist militias in America, millenarian sects in Japan and Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East are all representatives of the same trend: towards a sort of insatiable fanaticism which has no agenda other than destruction and revenge.

    ECONOMIST: Coming soon to a city near you | The

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