Most of these changes would have been necessary at some stage, with or without the millennium bug.
The millennium bug is a computer glitch which results from dates being stored in two-digit form on older computers.
The government has also been quietly monitoring popular fears about the millennium bug.
"The millennium bug is a global problem and we are trying to ensure we co-ordinate information about its effects, " he said.
Satyam, however, has one drawback: Tackling the millennium bug accounts for 28% of its revenues - considered a high Y2K exposure.
Past winners include metrosexual, millennium bug and chad, as in hanging chad.
Over 50 Indian companies working on ways to squash the millennium bug have formed a special interest group to promote their services.
The correct response to the millennium bug is not dismay but humility.
Fears of a Millennium Bug strike passed unfounded although the national aviation agency barred any flights from taking off 15 minutes before and after midnight.
Shares may be benefiting from looser monetary policy, not improved fundamentals, just as they did when the Fed eased in anticipation of a millennium bug.
The timing, which combines a local recession and hints of the end of the bubble with worries about the millennium bug, is scarcely propitious.
Mr Guenier said Taskforce 2000, which was set up by the last Tory government, also feared international banks might suffer from problems associated with the millennium bug.
And for the past few years they have had other headaches to worry about as well, such as the advent of the euro and the millennium bug.
Troubles arising from the so-called Millennium Bug (chips and programs that think 00 is 1900, not 2000) will surface as companies and governments shift to fiscal year 2000.
On the basis of their own reports, Mr Evans concludes that 30% of the companies examined are behind in their efforts to purge the millennium bug from their computers.
In its preparations for a possible millennium bug, America's Council of Economic Advisers studied the economic effects of more than two dozen natural disasters in the country since 1970.
But technology executives suffered a backlash following the bursting of the Dot-com bubble and before that, when the much-hyped Y2K or millennium bug turned out to be non-existent after clocks switched from 1999 to 2000.
It is also likely that companies everywhere will stockpile raw materials and finished goods ahead of the end of this year, for fear that the millennium bug might strike computers and disrupt their supply chain.
We must not lose sight, however, of the larger problem: The Millennium Bug's potential for devastation of an advanced, computer-dependent society like that of the late 20th Century United States is not confined to its national security apparatuses.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protecting against the 'millenium bug'
The Department is apparently way behind in getting its computer hardware and software fortified against the so-called Millennium Bug: Unless replaced or adjusted, computers at the turn of the century will behave as if the numerals 00 are 1900 rather than 2000 and may possibly crash.
Given the topic of this conference, it is important that we understand what it might mean if the United States is not prepared for the consequences of the Millennium Bug -- or "Y2K" -- problem that will, all other things being equal, afflict us 641 days now.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protecting against the 'millenium bug'
Marketing and information-technology expenses, in particular, have gone through the roof, as managers spend more to win and retain customers in an increasingly competitive industry, and as they struggle to bring their systems up to scratch for the launch of Europe's single currency and to deal with the millennium bug.
Clinton and Gore should be under no illusion: Whether fairly or not, they will be held accountable if, as a result of a failure to ensure that both the public and private sectors are induced to take corrective action on the Millennium Bug -- and helped to acquire the means to do so -- a long-predicted, well-understood and utterly avoidable cataclysm befalls the Nation, its people and interests.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protecting against the 'millenium bug'
According to other estimates, embedded chips will account for about 30% of the total millennium-bug cost.
Some pundits point an accusing finger at the Federal Reserve's millennium-bug precautions.
In fact, outside America, trading volumes on many global markets were low last month, as some investors sat on their shares rather than risk millennium-bug troubles.
The Produce Palace, a retailer in Michigan, brought the first millennium-bug case to court earlier this year, suing the makers of its sales terminals because the terminals cannot handle credit cards that expire after 1999.
That is probably a reference to fears of a liquidity crunch at the end of the year as financial institutions hold back to avoid millennium-bug accidents indeed, such fears may make the Fed delay raising rates until next year.