Despite the mind-numbing number of machines on the market, picking the best was surprisingly easy.
From 1996 through 2003 the firm sold tax shelters of mind-numbing complexity to clients and investors.
More people will need to hire tax preparers just to cope with the mind-numbing complexity.
"What is so mind-numbing about this is we don't have this kind of stuff happen here, " Mayes said.
In the mornings young workers learn about British motor heritage, in mind-numbing detail.
It also a refreshing change from the mind-numbing blaster games of recent times.
The mind-numbing pressure of his job can cause compassion fatigue at times.
Flimsy feedback or direction sometimes comes in the form of mind-numbing business jargon.
Because he was a capable analyst, he wound up crunching numbers and doing some pretty sophisticated and mind-numbing analysis on every project.
Avoid mind-numbing vague generalities and weasel words typical of management speak today.
But most of the high-end market is filled with televisions boasting really, really big screens, mind-numbing tech specs and some sort of designer status.
It felt ironic, if slightly mind-numbing, that I could hold a bar in either hand that, combined, was worth (considerably) more than my yearly salary.
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Sure, interesting things happen, but most of it is mind-numbing tedium.
If it actually played as the creepy psychological thriller it would like to think it is, the mind-numbing contortions of Fernley Phillips' crude screenplay would be downright offensive.
Having reached their 30s or 40s, when they can no longer do mind-numbing, fast-paced and finicky work on production lines, they will often go back to the countryside.
After two weeks of mind-numbing debate, including two final days of round-the-clock haggling, world leaders have reached a deal at the U.N. climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
Because Dilbertia wants to build a knowledge economy and have lots and lots of innovation, what matters to Young Dilbertians is getting a mind-numbing, soul-sucking, eminently-outsourcable-in-the-internet-era-whoops, low-level white-collar job.
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The book instead serves as a primer on how to ensure a company doesn't turn into a mind-numbing bureaucracy that smothers existing employees and scares off rule-bending innovators such as Jobs.
Against that backdrop, the first 100 days of the Obama presidency have brought forth a mind-numbing succession of giant initiatives, some tackled and some simply teed up for debate down the line.
Those are the education-focused XD500U-ST -- which packs a paltry XGA (1, 024 x 768) resolution -- and the slightly less mind-numbing XD530U, which touts 3, 000 lumens, an XGA resolution and wireless capabilities.
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The transcript of the December 12 Fed meeting is a whirr of mind-numbing statistics and detailed reports of economic conditions in each of the districts, interrupted by questions, answers, and back-and-forth discussion.
FORBES: And Deliver Us From Systemic Risk: The Fed Transcripts
Its best-known customer (and majority-owner) is Tesco, a British supermarket with a Clubcard loyalty-card scheme that generates a mind-numbing flow of data on the purchases of 13m members across 55, 000 product lines.
The prosecution's barraging of the jury with mind-numbing detail, and its focus on the defendants' greed and lavish lifestyles seemed to alienate many jurors, even some who thought the defendants were guilty.
As the mind-numbing tech rehearsal rolled on, from my perspective in the orchestra the proscenium blurred and became a kind of silent screen on which the players signalled their meaning through gesture and mime.
Much of the work is mind-numbing document review, my source says, sitting in a Midtown office in front of a computer, searching for highlighted words or phrases and quickly assessing their value as evidence in the case.
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