Mr Heaton-Harris' Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill would give local planning authorities the power to specify the minimum distance between turbines and homes.
Most importantly perhaps, Mr Bersani would scrap the rules setting a minimum distance between rival businesses that limit competition in much of the retail sector.
Many zoning codes require large setbacks the minimum distance that a home can be from the road that leave too little room to build a large home with a courtyard.
Park visitors must keep a minimum distance of seven metres from the animals at all times, and visits are limited to one hour in the company of one of three habituated families.
Would-be submitters must be able to fabricate MEMs that can be implanted into bugs at the pupa stage for integration into biological systems during development, and must prove that they can guide their creations to within three meters of a target from a minimum distance of 100 meters.
Additionally, it features a macro switching ring on the lens barrel which instantly shortens the minimum focusing distance to approximately 20cm (from image plane), allowing the camera to capture small, close-up subjects with exquisite detail.
You might think that a guy with a well-established penchant for blurting out things that brought the world down on his head would want to maintain minimum safe distance from a medium that at times seems to exist primarily to lull smart people into committing public acts of stupidity.
The study recommended a minimum vertical separation distance between fracking wells and water supplies of 600m (2, 000ft).
This means the rear lens elements are as close as possible to the sensor, reducing the back focus distance of each lens to the minimum possible, thus achieving high resolution from edge to edge.
ENGADGET: Fujifilm grows X-series mirrorless lineup with 16.3-megapixel X-E1
At a minimum, the stock price of Lockheed Martin should travel a distance greater than the decline we saw during May-June 2012.
FORBES: Elliott Waves Show Nosedive For Lockheed Martin In Defense Stock Sell Off
They not only had to wait until the space station steered into the proper lane for the Soyuz, but they had to pick a time when the distance between the station and the Soyuz once the Soyuz reached orbit was at a minimum.
FORBES: How Astronauts Got From Kazakhstan To The Space Station In Six Hours