Anna McMorrin will continue in her role advising the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
She served for two years in President Kibaki's cabinet as assistant minister for the environment and natural resources.
The current Minister for the Environment in France is Green party member Dominique Voynet, and the Green party there is part of the ruling coalition government.
She served as minister for the environment from 1992-93, and later served as junior minister for education (1997-2000) and junior minister for family and childhood (2000-01).
Minister for the Environment, Jane Davidson AM expressed her disappointment at the negative comments from the floor with regards to the strategy created by the all sector and all party commission.
The application requires the endorsement of the relevant local stakeholders as well as the UK MAB Committee, the Minister for the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs or the Minister for environment in the devolved administration, before being sent by Defra to the UK Permanent Delegation to UNESCO in Paris.
Its report has now been sent to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change Paul Wheelhouse, Tayside and Grampian Police and the RSPB.
"We measure the ecological load an area can take and we offer licences only where were convinced there is a proper balance between effects of fish farming and the ability of local environment to absorb the effects of farming, " says Stewart Stevenson the Scottish Minister for Environment and Climate Change.
Responding for the government, Environment Minister Richard Benyon said the government's priority for the upcoming summit was to "stand up and make a clear statement that sustainable development is the only way forward".
Lord Henley, a junior minister in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, said that the government would give a full response to the Commission's proposals in due course.
However, it is still a very depressing total for the environment minister Alex Attwood.
News of the discussions about a sporting village emerged on the day environment minister Alex Attwood granted planning permission for the redevelopment of Windsor Park football stadium in south Belfast.
And despite the drift, some ministers, notably the environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, have an eye for the popular gesture.
His original title was deputy prime minister and first secretary of state for environment, transport and the regions - "the only minister with a job title bigger than his vocabulary", according to Sir Norman Fowler.
It is a chance Mr Fischer has spent much of his life working for, as environment minister in the state of Hesse and most recently as the Greens' parliamentary leader in Bonn, and he is desperately anxious it should not slip away.
ECONOMIST: Joschka Fischer, Germany’s reluctant statesman | The
The trust brought a judicial review after Environment Minister Alex Attwood granted planning permission for the scheme at Runkerry.
One week prior to the summit, Jairam Ramesh, member and minister of state for environment and forests, told India's Parliament that the country should plan to reduce the ratio of pollution to production by 20% to 25% compared with 2005 levels, but like China, not accept a legally binding emissions reduction target.
Jersey could soon ship 4, 000 tonnes of ash waste to the UK for disposal, according to the island's environment minister.
The motion called on the assembly to approve the report and asked Environment Minister Edwin Poots to bring forward a timetable for implementing the recommendations contained in the report.
Deputy Carolyn Labey, assistant minister for economic development and the department of the environment, said the initiatives would help the island.
BBC: Environmental grants offered to Jersey people and firms
Ms Dastjerdi was the first woman minister of the Islamic republic, although a woman did serve as vice-president for the environment under Mohammad Khatami.
BBC: Iran sacks sole female minister Dastjerdi from health post
Sigmar Gabriel, the Social Democratic environment minister, insists that energy conservation and renewables can make up for the loss of nuclear power.
The minister said there were currently two total exclusion zones for fishing in the lough, and the environment and agriculture departments had agreed to establish two further zones.
Some supermarkets have been closed down for flouting the ban, said environment minister Drocella Mugorewera.
"Planning policy which bolsters city and town centre environments is exactly what is required for Belfast city centre and the environment minister's statement clarifies a position that makes sense and is in line with good planning practice across the rest of the UK and the developed world, " he said.
Contributing to the debate, Chair of the Environment Committee Dafydd Elis-Thomas welcomed the announcement of the merger as he congratulated Jane Davidson, the former Environment Minister and Elin Jones AM on her work as rural affairs minister for their contribution in developing the proposals.
When Environment Minister Edwin Poots announced planning approval for the incinerator last month, he said it would create up to 400 construction jobs and 30 permanent positions.
Environment Minister Alex Attwood said the sites were important for their "marine habitats and biodiversity".
Summing up for the government, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minister Richard Benyon told the chamber he would be in Brussels the following week to discuss the CFP.