He says Iraqi police commandos, under the Ministry of Interior, blindfolded him and handcuffed him.
Ali Shah Ahmadzai, who oversees the ALP program at the Ministry of Interior in Kabul.
There, 13 people were killed and 36 wounded, according to the Ministry of Interior.
Only people authorized by the Ministry of Interior are allowed to legally carry weapons.
The other two were convicted of murder, the Ministry of Interior and National Security statement said.
Nine Iraqi soldiers and an unknown number of Ministry of Interior personnel have been injured.
Ministry of Interior Spokesman Sediq Sediqi, said the Afghan Government would investigate the claims of corruption and abuse, highlighted by Panorama.
Another Kabul-based security analyst and former Afghan Ministry of Interior official, Sami Sadat, said Friday's attack showed signs of an enfeebled Taliban.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Very little, though, has been done by the MOI, or Ministry of Interior, or the Ministry of Justice up until now.
Early on Mr Mousavi, who, supporters say, was tipped off by allies within the Ministry of Interior, proclaimed himself the likely winner.
Funded by the Government of Japan, the project is jointly-implemented with the Ministry of Interior (MOI) in close-partnership with other literacy stakeholders.
The Ministry of Interior said on its twitter account "police dealt with a group of thugs outside Jabriya school according to legal regulations".
The delegation includes representatives of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, National Directorate of Security, and the Provincial Administrative Department, according to the statement.
Iraq's Counterterrorism Service is made up of elite units that used to be part of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and Iraqi Ministry of Interior.
Bahrain's Ministry of Interior said it is investigating the incident.
In June, 2010, President Hamid Karzai removed General Bismillah Khan Mohammadi from his post as chief of staff of the Afghan Army, and transferred him to the Ministry of Interior.
Dr. Hassan Khaliday's friend, Mohaned, was one of 656 civilians killed or found dead in Baghdad during the month of August, according to figures compiled by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior.
"The United States deplores the attack on its diplomatic mission in Benghazi ... we have requested the Libyan Ministry of Interior to increase its security around U.S. facilities in Libya, " the embassy said.
In Baghdad, a high-level official in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior described, also on condition of anonymity, an elaborate system to divert weapons from Ministry of Interior facilities to local arms traffickers and militias.
He made his initial fortune in construction in Saudi Arabia, where he continues to add to his project portfolio with new projects for King Saud University and a new medical city complex for the Ministry of Interior.
"As in the election's first round, ISAF will only provide third-layer of security, reinforcing the Afghan National Police and Afghan National Army in line with the security plan signed by the chairman of the Afghan Independent Election Commission along with representatives from the Afghan Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defense, and ISAF in 2008, " Shanks said.
The police-specific content of the newspaper is produced in close collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and local news agencies to ensure the quality of the language and accuracy of the content.
Mansour Al-Turki, security spokesman for the Saudi Ministry of the Interior, told CNN.
The young antihero is arrested, and the Home Office or Ministry of the Interior introduces a form of aversion therapy guaranteed to eliminate criminal propensities forever.
The lightly trained Afghan Local Police, a village-level force backed by U.S. troops and overseen by the Ministry of the Interior, is tasked with helping bring security to remote areas.
The Georgian government has confirmed it's investigating potential links between the attacks and the user in Tbilisi, Georgia, according to Shota Utiashvili, head of the Department of Information and Analysis at the Ministry of the Interior.
The problem, according to the Department of Justice, is that KBR did not obtain proper authorization for arming subcontractors, and the private security contractors it used were not registered with the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior.
The Ministry of the Interior refused to allow Iraqi Embassies to print the new series, so refugees outside Iraq who needed valid passports would have to return to the country they had fled or pay someone a thousand dollars to do it for them.
Sok Phal, chief of the Interior Ministry's information department, denied reports that a state of emergency had been declared to stop looting but he acknowledged that military and police units were ordered to cease their pillage.