It was, however, his engagement and marriage this year to top actress and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai that sent the world's press into overdrive.
Miss Blackwell said this scenario was "utter fantasy" and that the woman had "told this jury a complete pack of lies about the visit to this house".
Some, including the IMF, think that Spain will miss its tight deficit targets this year and next, but they also expect only modest growth and job creation in 2013.
ECONOMIST: There seems to be no end to the troubles in Spain
"If I try to play too early from this, we could miss the whole season, and we don't want that, " Teixeira said.
It's been hard to miss, this brouhaha that's been boiling over between Tesla CEO Elon Musk and The New York Times -- specifically with reporter John M.
"If American companies miss opportunities to build and sell overseas, it's a sure bet in this global economy that some other company will step in when we do not, " he said.
If we miss this transition, we risk losing the innovation that has powered the past decade of economic and technological growth, and we leave an entire generation unprepared to meet and overcome the challenges they will face.
The prosecution claimed that Miss Yeates would have been in pain and resisted him but Tabak denied this was the case and told the court there was no struggle.
In some cases this is because many continue to create home-grown products that reinvent the wheel and miss the benefit of the talent and investment that companies can bring to the table.
If you eclipse or constrain this brainstorming process, you will stymie your own growth, and you very well may miss the one core idea that would lead you to your most exciting professional life.
FORBES: 5 Great Resources To Help You Brainstorm New Career Directions
North Wales Police said on Thursday that Miss Gowing's family had been informed and "clearly our thoughts are with them at this very difficult time".
From the domestic media portals Sina and Netease to new upstarts Shangpin, Zouxiu and ihush along with the international players like Yoox, it appears that nobody wants to miss out on this burgeoning market.