There are so many options, and it's a mistake for a student to say, 'A big-name school is the only place for me.
It could be that mounting the physical fitness soapbox--or conceding any ground to nutritionists--is a mistake for a company like PepsiCo.
But when the company that makes a mistake enjoys a reputation for innovation and superb product quality like Apple, business strategists begin to wonder whether the mistake is just the result of poor judgment or a change in business priorities that may have far reaching consequence for the future of the company.
FORBES: Is Apple Spending More Time on Litigation Than Innovation?
That is, of course, a ridiculous mistake for a company of that size to make.
FORBES: Apparently Microsoft Doesn't Know How Microsoft Software Works
That is why it has been such a mistake for Mr Blair to have backed a middleweight like Mr Dobson, and for the other main political parties to have made so little of London's election.
That is a mistake, for it confuses a changing relationship with the breakdown of a relationship.
At a glance you might mistake it for a toy--or, better yet, the Apple II computer, which sparked a revolution.
The 14th day of Daily Telegraph revelations have also prompted Tory whip Bill Wiggin to say he made a mistake in claiming for a mortgage that did not exist on his second home.
With a bit of editing of the parts about the need to cut a trillion dollars spending in a year, you could mistake him for a left-wing Democrat.
Tell them that it was a mistake for Google not to put a red light indicating that a photo or video is being taken, and that you hope there will be one in future iterations (even though evil folk may find a way to somehow disable the light).
To do this, LG's included a button atop the device that you might mistake for a dedicated orientation lock.
ENGADGET: LG Optimus Vu review: a 5-inch, pen-enabled phone to take on the Galaxy Note
Friends of the Earth said "a green light for shale gas would be a costly mistake for our country and countryside".
The Samsung attorney also told the jury that they would find no evidence that a consumer would mistake a Samsung device for an Apple one, addressing a key point the jury will need to consider in deciding whether patents were infringed.
The server's administrator had made a common mistake for which there was a common fix.
Representative DUNCAN HUNTER (Republican, California): And I think it will be a major mistake for us to send a fractured message to the world, to our allies, and our adversaries that the United States is heavily divided over the support of this mission.
He says it would be a mistake for the national leadership of either party to read too much into a victory on polling day.
And Barack Obama will be a commander-in-chief who understands that young Americans in uniform must never be committed to a mistake, but always for a mission worthy of their bravery.
It probably is still a bit too cheap, and it would certainly be a mistake for Beijing to allow it to fall, not least because this would risk a protectionist backlash from abroad.
It did annoy me, seeing her talking to another man with a glass of white wine in her hand, and her innocent friendliness, which any man could mistake for a come-on, not just me.
Google says it was a mistake, and provided a completely plausible explanation for that mistake.
Hillary Clinton jumped on it right away as a way of repudiating her vote for the war in 2002, without calling that vote a mistake or apologizing for it.
Finally, despite Shaheen's insistence that he just made a mistake and assurances by a spokesman for the Clinton camp that his comments weren't "authorized or condoned by the campaign in any way, " that's a stretch.
CNN: Commentary: Drug rumors about Obama playing on stereotypes?
It is a mistake for Obama to skip the National Council of La Raza Conference.
It is a mistake, for example, to judge computer games by their banal plotlines.
Yet it would be a mistake for the state to impose broad pay caps.
"It would be a mistake for anyone to think this issue had gone away, " he said.
BBC: 'Steep' drop in public confidence in MPs, says watchdog
It would be a mistake for western countries to bolster the opposition, except with moral support.
Even so, it would be a mistake for the Fed to cut interest rates just yet.
Lombardo agrees: "It would be a mistake for us to be swinging for home runs, " he says.