The server's administrator had made a common mistake for which there was a common fix.
It is a mistake for Obama to skip the National Council of La Raza Conference.
And many cenotes attract swallows, which you might -- as I did -- mistake for bats.
That is, of course, a ridiculous mistake for a company of that size to make.
FORBES: Apparently Microsoft Doesn't Know How Microsoft Software Works
The move would be a destructive mistake for both our economy and the world's.
"It would be a grave mistake for Britain to leave the EU", said the minister.
Yet it would be a mistake for the state to impose broad pay caps.
"It would be a mistake for anyone to think this issue had gone away, " he said.
BBC: 'Steep' drop in public confidence in MPs, says watchdog
It would be a mistake for western countries to bolster the opposition, except with moral support.
It was a hard habit to break and an unfortunate mistake for the recruit.
Even so, it would be a mistake for the Fed to cut interest rates just yet.
Lombardo agrees: "It would be a mistake for us to be swinging for home runs, " he says.
At this stage, if feels like a potentially huge mistake for one of Africa's most dynamic economies.
To do this, LG's included a button atop the device that you might mistake for a dedicated orientation lock.
ENGADGET: LG Optimus Vu review: a 5-inch, pen-enabled phone to take on the Galaxy Note
Many fans dislike the rude, angry youth and feel Batman having a literal son was a mistake for the comics.
But it would be a tremendous mistake for the league to interpret this uproar as proof of an unbreakable grip.
WSJ: NFL Monday Night Replacement Referee Freakout��Jason Gay
He said that it would be a mistake for Motorola to close the plant on the basis of short-term financial considerations.
It could be that mounting the physical fitness soapbox--or conceding any ground to nutritionists--is a mistake for a company like PepsiCo.
Once Rich had got the kitchen finished, Nita had made the mistake for a while of trying to cook like Bett.
Indeed, I think it would be a mistake for them to leave the group or have the group kick them out.
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Other voters said ballots were confusing, leading them to vote by mistake for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan instead of Gore.
It was, said Mr Harrington, a colossal and fatal mistake for Aamir, who was hoping to study law at Cardiff University.
BBC: Aamir Siddiqi Cardiff murder jury resumes deliberations
Friends of the Earth said "a green light for shale gas would be a costly mistake for our country and countryside".
Perhaps such a scenario never occurred, but how could he be unaware of the mistake for such a long period of time?
FORBES: Abbott Board Should Probe Confusion Over Gonzalez Credentials
They all say it was a big mistake for the coalition government to slash capital spending shortly after they came to power.
BBC: Budget 2013: Should the government plough ahead with cuts?
In any case, it would be a mistake for either Republicans or Democrats to ignore the resentment bubbling in major American cities.
Eventually the conference plumped for - dot-dot-dot, dash-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot - a signal that is hard to mistake for anything else in the world of morse.
But six years later, in 2006, Chancellor Merkel said it would be a mistake for Germany to turn off its nuclear power plants.
There are so many options, and it's a mistake for a student to say, 'A big-name school is the only place for me.