During the political upheavals on Crete that led to the island becoming part of the modern Greek state, Evans's position as a landowner helped ensure Knossos remained free from encroachment.
He must persuade ordinary Greeks, battered by austerity, to accept cuts to the minimum wage, pensions and spending, as well as a programme of structural reform that has no parallel in modern Greek history.
The result is a work by someone who not only understands Homer's Greek, but who also has an ear for modern verse.
ECONOMIST: Homer��s ��Iliad��
And though the city's monumental examples of the beaux arts and art deco movements are well documented in civic buildings dressed up in a mixed bag of Classical Roman and Greek elements, the city actually received its greatest modern architectural contribution in the years after WWII, when Ludwig Mies van der Rohe pioneered the new "International Style".
BBC: The infamous architecture of Chicago
The first important thing about the Parthenon is that, unlike most ancient Greek monuments, it survived more or less intact into modern times.
ECONOMIST: Classical antiquity
Islamic students and scholars, fueled by coffee, revived Greek philosophy and laid the groundwork for the scientific method and modern mathematics.
FORBES: Repent! The End Of Cheap Coffee Is Nigh!
Languages can be either ancient or modern, drawn from a list of 172 course options, ranging from classical Greek to Japanese and Urdu.
BBC: Computer science part of English Baccalaureate
At the request of the provost he taught a class in ancient Greek literature in translation, sympathizing with students who found Thucydides impenetrable: The Modern Library edition has one map of the entire Hellenic world, with 180 labels on it.
FORBES: Homemade Herodotus
They might be bigger, glitzier and certainly a lot more commercialized, but in spirit at least the modern day Olympics -- inaugurated in 1896 -- have remained remarkably true to the ancient Greek Games on which they were modeled.
CNN: The Ancient Olympics
Making its way to Britain, the flame will first take in Greek archaeological sites including the Acropolis and Olympic Stadium in Athens, site of the first modern Games in 1896.
CNN: 2012 Olympic flame lit in ancient stadium