Tomaselli was among several who accused Fine of molesting them, leading to Fine's being fired in November.
These figures include only cases where the perpetrators are demanding something (and thus exclude child molesting and divorce custody battles).
Prosecutors said Monday the former altar boy whom Avery admitted molesting in the church sacristy is scheduled to take the witness stand this week.
Another accuses Benedict--again, before he became pope--of failing to take action against a U.S. priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf boys in Milwaukee confessionals and dormitories.
New York (CNN) -- A man who accused a Syracuse University assistant basketball coach of sexually molesting him as a child said Friday that it was all a lie.
In 2010, The New York Times reported that church officials, including Ratzinger, had failed to act in the case of a Wisconsin priest accused of molesting up to 200 boys.
His performances on air and in the courtroom were widely derided by prosecutors, legal analysts and commentators as narcissistic, self-absorbed and even more hurtful to the young men he was convicted of molesting.
One accusation identifies Pope Benedict, when he was archbishop of Munich, as leading a meeting that approved the transfer of a sex offender who was later convicted of molesting boys at a different parish.
More than 130 people have accused Geoghan of molesting them over a 30-year period and though his seniors knew of the abuse allegations, they moved him from parish to parish rather than reveal the problem.
The prime suspect in the case, Jose Ramos, who was the boyfriend of a woman who had earlier been hired to walk Etan to school during a bus strike, is currently serving time in prison for molesting two boys.
Also in 2010, the Times reported that the future pope -- while serving as the archbishop in Munich -- had been copied on a memo informing him that a priest accused of molesting children was being returned to pastoral work.
"For the church to truly embody the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, it must be led by a pontiff who demands transparency, exposes child-molesting clerics, punishes wrongdoers and enablers, cooperates with law enforcement and makes true amends to those who were hurt so greatly by Catholic priests, employees and volunteers, " she said.
"For the Church to truly embody the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, it must be led by a pontiff who demands transparency, exposes child-molesting clerics, punishes wrongdoers and enablers, cooperates with law enforcement, and makes true amends to those who were hurt so greatly by Catholic priests, employees and volunteers, " Blaine wrote.