Traditionally, banks made their money by borrowing money (in the form of bank deposits) at 3%, lending it out at 6%, and pocketing the difference.
The result is important because governments were encouraged by the original paper to take drastic steps, such as severe austerity measures, to avoid borrowing any more money once their borrowing reached 90% of annual output.
Unlike most European countries, the United States has the luxury of printing money and borrowing almost at will.
Under the new approach, the Fed would print new money to buy long-term mortgage or Treasury bonds but effectively tie up the money by borrowing it back for short periods at low rates.
Money is moving around, people are borrowing money.
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Some people use the debt to make more money than the cost of borrowing the money.
Hence the interest in funds that typically aim to make money regardless of the direction of markets, often by borrowing money to place leveraged bets and by selling securities they do not own in anticipation of price falls.
That means cash-rich Apple is, paradoxically, borrowing money to finance dividends and buybacks for its shareholders.
And bad debt ratings mean the cost of borrowing money goes up and profits drop.
But he is borrowing money against property he owns to help meet club liabilities.
Hahn is now borrowing money from Sallie Mae, the country's leading student loan provider.
Because if you were, you know, an AAA-rated corporation, you didn't have any problem borrowing money.
In addition, smaller companies also have to pay more than large companies when borrowing money.
Low interest rates and the current tax exemption make borrowing money cheap, thereby encouraging debt.
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Look for a devalued currency and a very long period of hardly any cost of borrowing money.
It has managed to stabilise the exchange rate by borrowing money from abroad and raising interest rates.
What left some folks scratching their heads was that Costco is borrowing money to finance the dividend.
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The cost of borrowing money overnight peaked at 26.5% in 2003 and is now down to 12%.
So one group of people who do not seem to have much trouble borrowing money are buy-to-let (BTL) landlords.
During the worst of the credit crisis, auto lenders themselves had trouble borrowing money with which to make additional loans.
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When you use credit, you are borrowing money that you promise to pay back within a specified period of time.
Delegates believe that by borrowing money, private companies would have far less say over the way public services are run.
But everybody knows there is something wrong in borrowing money you know you will never be able to pay back.
Since Earth is not borrowing money from Mars, does the debt explosion really matter, or is it just an accounting device?
At the same time, the lenders themselves are having an easier time borrowing money with which to make new loans, analysts said.
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Ireland and Portugal have also required bailouts, though both have since been able to return to borrowing money in the financial markets.
Leveraged ETFs boost results, not by actually borrowing money, but by using a combination of swaps and other derivatives.
If you're new to borrowing money, a good way to prove you're worthy to creditors is by responsibly using a credit card.
This is the risk inherent in borrowing money to buy any asset.