• Holly Hunter, Gary Busey, Ed Harris, David Strathairn, and Wilford Brimley do themselves proud, and Gene Hackman is in a class by himself, brewing unprecedented mixtures of moral dry rot, fellow feeling, and animal vitality.

    NEWYORKER: The Firm

  • Certainly since the early nineteen-nineties, there has been a loss of aesthetic and moral discrimination in Italian life, an anything-goes feeling that culminates in the spectacle of a serving Prime Minister accused of contracting a minor for sex.

    NEWYORKER: Booted

  • She speculates that the reason for this is that feeling morally unclean (ie, disgusted) leads to feelings of moral wrongness and thus triggers increased ethical behaviour by instilling a desire to right the wrong.

    ECONOMIST: Soaping away your outer dirt may lead to inner evil

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