More than half take up eating oily fish (53%) and 46% eat more fruit and vegetables.
For example, offering quantity discounts can induce consumers to purchase more fruit and vegetables.
The food industry said it supported government action to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Questioning of parents who took part in government-funded courses in Scotland showed they ate more fruit and vegetables and fewer ready meals a year later.
There is a child nutrition bill that's working its way through Congress right now, and one of the things that it's trying to do is to encourage healthier eating, to provide incentives for better school lunches, as one of the previous callers mentioned - healthier, higher nutrition standards, incentives for more fruit and vegetables, things like low-fat milk.
Only 20% of men and 24% of women in Scotland ate the recommended five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day compared with 25% of men and 29% of women in England.
The survey also showed "no significant change in the proportion of adults or children consuming the recommended daily intake of five or more portions of fruit and vegetables".
BBC: Scottish Health Survey: Obesity still problem for Scots
We want more produce -- more vegetables and more fruit -- consumed all across the country.
In the study, the participants in the Mediterranean diet groups agreed to replace red meat with white meat like chicken and eat three or more servings of fish each week, along with three or more servings of fruit and two or more servings of vegetables a day.
The Foods Standards Agency said people should be eating more starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, some protein-rich food and less salt, sugar and fat.
The zip-code notion is more subtle: poor areas have fewer supermarkets, with their greater choice of fruit and vegetables, and more convenience stores, with their narrower range.
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Added to that, spraying tall trees is a much more complicated and unhealthy business than treating low-growing fruit and vegetables.
More vegetables and fruit and less meat is something that has been preached by parents forever and those in the nutrition business for decades.
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And in the past few years the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed new nutritional standards for school lunch that require more vegetables and fruit.
Over the years the commission's regulations on fruit and vegetables became more restrictive - until stories about straight bananas became part of European folklore, the BBC's Dominic Hughes in Brussels says.
Mr. Grant: Fresh fruit and high quality vegetables are becoming more important than they ever were.
As imported goods become more expensive, local producers of dairy, meat, fruit and vegetables will find greater demand for their goods.
If the prices of vegetables, fruit and other crops are more flexible than other prices, food inflation may be an early warning of an overheating economy.
The participants eating the low-fat diet ate three or more servings of fish or seafood a week and the same amount of fruit and vegetables as the Mediterranean diet groups.
For example, fast food restaurants could display attractive pictures of salads and vegetables more prominently, and grocery stores could replace candy with fruit and healthy snacks at the register.