I'm taking a morose tone at this point with Garrison Keillor giving me the snub.
One myth is that he was a misanthrope, a grumbling recluse, whose work was as morose as his life.
His motivation was mainly to make agents happy, the theory being that happy workers sound better on the phone than morose ones.
Kumar, born in Chennai, formerly Madras, India, was fastidious and morose, travelling at least thirty thousand miles a month for work, and seldom socializing.
Cynical, acidulous, morose, self-pitying, full of banked rage, Patrick would surely be monstrous to live with, but he is vital company in these novels.
Instead of being morose and cranky, maybe I should try being a little more open minded and more willing to explore new aspects of tech.
Abe, trapped and unable to find a way out, desperately throws himself at an attractive but morose woman, Miranda (Selma Blair), who also still lives at home.
So far, they have exhibited signs of a morose but unspecific hostility only: as long as their animus remains general and unexcited we may yet get across to join him.
Instead, he figure-eights around the parking lot in his pickup, or burrows in his windowless office at the stadium, or roams the empty stands at night, a morose, obsessed, and unappeasable boss.
At an animal hotel, Babe falls in with a circus family of monkeys, including a hip chimpanzee couple and a morose orangutan the animals, who speak in dark ironies, have the real depression of lifetime circus performers.
All of this produced the handsome, morose man we encounter at the very beginning of "Batman Begins, " when Bruce Wayne, wandering the mountains of Asia in search of wisdom, is approached and temporarily seduced by a vigilante group called the League of Shadows.
ECONOMIST: A prime minister who is doing better than many had expected