The trial began of three German neo-Nazis charged with beating a Mozambican man to death.
According to media in Mozambique, Mr Macia will be buried outside the Mozambican capital, Maputo, on Saturday.
For the past three years, the Mozambican economy has grown at a startling annual rate of around 10%.
As such, she is typical of many Mozambican women who relish a challenge.
Cove holds an 8.5% stake in a huge natural-gas field in Mozambican waters.
Already, as the waters recede, Mozambican peasants have been rushing back to plant beans and maize in the silt.
The EIA said the Mozambican government should introduce an immediate timber export ban, and investigate corruption in the forestry sector.
Nonetheless, according to Mozambican ministers, the World Bank insisted that the tariff should go or Mozambique would get no help.
The case of eight South African police officers charged over last week's death of a Mozambican man has been postponed until Friday.
But the game was abandoned by Mozambican referee Mateus Infante seven minutes from time when angry Swazi fans threw missiles at their team's bench.
Ms Machel was born in Mozambique and was its first lady, having been married to Mozambican President Samora Machel until his death in 1986.
Most Mozambican bureaucrats learnt their jobs under a wartime dictatorship, and many came to see their role as bossing people around, rather than serving them.
Mozambican Foreign Minister Leonardo Simao warned that the rain of the past 48 hours could cause rivers to burst again and re-flood areas just beginning to dry out.
Peace has allowed farmers to get on with their job: agricultural production has grown by almost 9% annually for the past four years, which means more corn and cassava on Mozambican plates.
South African President Jacob Zuma has condemned an incident captured on video in which a Mozambican taxi driver was handcuffed to the back of a police van and dragged through the streets.
Nelson Mandela's 80th-birthday celebrations on July 18th and 19th were joyous, the more so since he chose that weekend for a surprise wedding to Graca Machel, widow of the late Mozambican president.
To coincide with the launch of this project, Gemfields unveiled a new global advertising campaign featuring Kunis wearing ethically sourced Zambian emeralds and Mozambican rubies shot by Mario Sorrenti in Los Angeles.
FORBES: Mila Kunis and Jewelry Designers On Hand For Emerald Jewelry Unveiling In London
The South African President, Nelson Mandela, and President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique have officially launched the construction of the Maputo Highway - a toll road between Johannesburg and the Mozambican port and capital of Maputo.
BBC: News | Africa | South Africa and Mozambique launch road project
There has been a rapid expansion of the Mozambican electricity grid, and the latest figures show that 36% of the population have electricity, either from the grid or from solar panels, in their homes, a high figure by sub-Saharan African standards.
Colored gemstone miner and marketer, Gemfields, brought its partnership with Mila Kunis and 36 jewelry designers to the public Thursday by unveiling a bespoke jewelry collection made with Zambian emeralds, Mozambican rubies and Zambian amethysts, along with its star ambassador at Phillips Auction House in London.
FORBES: Mila Kunis and Jewelry Designers On Hand For Emerald Jewelry Unveiling In London
Interesting points were raised by the schools, giving those present a clear picture of the challenges that these institutions face: in the light of the recent violence, the University of Nairobi expressed a need for courses in conflict reporting safety, whilst a Mozambican j-school noted the lack of desire on the part of journalists to report from rural areas.