He said he had been to Belize, Afghanistan, Mozambique and Cuba, among other places.
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Zimbabwe now join Mozambique in the semi-finals with two more quarter-final matches still to be played.
The floods devastated a tenth of Mozambique's land, and nine-tenths of its irrigated areas.
It's a major crop in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Tanzania, as well as Mozambique.
In Mozambique, cotton producers say that it's not just agricultural subsidies that are stacked against them.
The vast Kruger park lies in South Africa's northeast, next to Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
On the plantation in rural Mozambique, it is clear how globalised the business world has become.
Researchers say the practice is rife especially in Mpumalanga, a province near Mozambique and Swaziland.
Thousands of people attended his funeral in Matola, near Mozambique's capital Maputo, on Saturday.
The three who have accepted so far went to Mozambique, Costa Rica, and Nepal.
Admittedly, that includes the value of debt relief itself, and Mozambique's experience is extreme.
The Mozambique country director of the British aid agency Action Aid criticised the World Bank.
Bristol is now twinned with towns in Mozambique and Nicaragua as well as in Europe.
Rio Tinto cited problems with infrastructure access and quality concerns at Riversdale's Mozambique operations.
The official language is Portuguese, after settlers first arrived in Mozambique in the 15th century.
Misguided intervention cannot do enough harm to explain the chasm that separates Mozambique, say, from Sweden.
Mozambique's government is democratically elected and stable, its macroeconomic policies sound, its press reasonably free.
Mozambique's catastrophe worsened when locks in neighbouring countries were opened to prevent dams from bursting.
Ghana long ago dammed the River Volta, Egypt the Nile, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique the Zambezi.
In Burundi and Mozambique, for example, expenditure levels rose by an average of 12% each year.
Mozambique and Zambia have two of the most ambitious privatisation schemes on the continent.
Cotton exporters say this part of northern Mozambique should be able to sell cotton at competitive prices.
The centre is situated in a farming area, a few kilometres away from the Mozambique border post.
To work this abundant crop, slaves were imported from French possessions in West Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar.
According to media in Mozambique, Mr Macia will be buried outside the Mozambican capital, Maputo, on Saturday.
Aggreko will provide the power from its plant at Ressano Garcia in Mozambique, which opened last year.
Earlier this year, she was highly critical of the international community's response to the floods in Mozambique.
However they were hampered by a lack of height and physical strength against the tall Mozambique defence.
First was persuading the Mozambique government to take him seriously, given his lack of public health experience.
Mozambique's capital, Maputo is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city bursting with lively sidewalk cafes and jazz venues.