Mr. TAYLOR: That's really a thrill when someone like that picks up your song, you know?
Mr. TAYLOR: (Singing) There were times that I thought that I wouldn't last too long.
Mr. MIKHAIL GRISHANKOV (Anti-Organized Crime Committee): (Through translator) It's a very powerful multi-headed system.
Mr. HOFFMAN: (As Jon Savage) It's the only time I can get away for research.
Mr. HOFFMAN: (As Jon Savage) A friend of mine does some consulting for the Guggenheim Foundation.
Mr. ROBERT GEORGE (Associate Editor, Editorial Page, the New York Post): Glad to be here.
Mr. FAIUMU: When we perform live, we don't actually have a live rhythm section.
Mr. FAIUMU: Obviously, in radio land they cannot see, get a visual on me.
Mr. TAMAIRA: (Singing) Now, I could never ask for help, but so many times I tried.
Mr. Gray's death was the breaking point, but it was a long time coming.
Mr. MERIC LONG: (Singing) Take this hammer-handed heart, And pull it off my back.
Mr. PETER MOREN: (Singing) I remember when, when I first moved here a long time ago.
Mr. BRYANT: Well, I think that another team will bring him in the park.
And Mr. Bonds says on the Web site, my quest for a World Series ring continues.
Mr. BRYANT: At least your team has gone to the World Series five or six times.
Mr. LINKOV: What's interesting is you see a lot of breaks and benefits given to hybrids.
Mr. LINKOV: We're not going to see fuel cells for a number of years.
Mr. JEFF DANIELS (Actor): (As Bernard Berkman) We're splitting up the week, alternating days.
Clearly Mr. Noer is not a strong man, or he would not have made such comments.
Mr. Amer went on to explain how you prepare for a child in a war zone.
Mr. SHOVAL: I don't think that they go into the intricacies of American political opinions.
Mr. JOHN LEE (Investor): People are realizing that they have to take control of their money.
Mr. NORM MORROW (Principal, Thomas Jefferson High School): No, I don't feel that way.
Mr. PAUL SAFFO (Institute for the Future): This is a money machine for Google.
Mr. WESSEL: You know, it's a really good question and almost an impossible one to answer.
Mr. GARY STONEWALL (Listener): I expect this money to go back into the market and grow.
Mr. WESSEL: The financial system is suffering the worst shock since the Great Depression.
Mr. JACOBS: (As Turner Stull) Can you just - can you get my ladder?
Mr. RICHARD BARTON (CEO, Well, thank you for inviting me on the show, Michele.
Mr. BARTON: Well, I think our effect will be different but the inspiration is the same.