Most members of the heist crew are highly enjoyable, including the elderly fraudster Saul played by Carl Reiner, the bickering brothers Turk and Virgil (Scott Caan and Casey Affleck), and the wonderfully camp Mr Big who is bankrolling the job, Reuben Tishkoff (Elliot Gould).
We'd been operating for a year and were short of cash, and we were hoping Mr. Big would invest.
We took Mr. Big's advice and set out to benchmark against the best.
This year's Stomp will feature Robert Parker ("Barefootin'"), Jean Knight ("Mr. Big Stuff") and Lazy Lester, a Louisiana blues harmonica player whose song--first recorded in the 1960s--lent the festival its name.
Will Carrie ditch Mr. Big for her old flame?
CNN: 10 summer movies that we're actually looking forward to
Is the United States sufficiently internationalist in outlook to be ready for a global regime of the world economy in which we're not guaranteed to be Mr. Big at the table all the time setting the rules?
Her on-off wedding to Mr. Big (Chris Noth) forms a sizeable chunk of the plot, and interior designers everywhere will be thrilled to learn that the warmth of her emotions stands in direct proportion to the size of her walk-in closet.
While the frisson of the On-Off relationship can provide sexy drama for a TV series (think of Sam and Diane of Cheers or Carrie and Mr. Big in Sex and the City), in every day life, these relationships are either not taken seriously or are strictly frowned upon.
But the Parliament itself is so young, and the constitution so untested, that when Mr Salmond fires his big guns at Mr Dewar's government, he is in danger of knocking holes in the reputation of the legislature itself.
The fuss over marriage and Mr Brown overshadowed the big issue with which Mr Cameron chose to launch his campaign on January 4th: the National Health Service (NHS).
Mr Gray was as big a celebrity among computer geeks as Mr Fossett is among thrill-seekers, and the story played out in the same way.
Mr Palocci is big, amiable, whiskered, and like Lula speaks with a disarming lisp.
That followed unease among directors that they had not been properly briefed before Mr Messier took big strategic decisions.
It is still possible that the relationship between Mr Blair and big business will take an unhealthy corporatist turn.
Another reason for Formula One's international dominance is that Mr Ecclestone offers big discounts to broadcasters who agree not to show other car races.
In recent months, says Mr Lynch, big banks in particular have bulked up on Autonomy's software, to prepare for lawsuits in the wake of the financial meltdown.
In France, the presidential office of Nicolas Sarkozy found itself having to backtrack on a promise made by Mr Sarkozy that big-name politicians elected to the European Parliament for his UMP party would have to take their seats.
Mr Clinton's advance guard on a recent visit to Britain was as big as Mr Blair's entire executive staff.
Mr Prodi has also gained by remaining aloof from another big decision: Mr D'Alema's offer to Antonio Di Pietro, the magistrate-turned-politician, of a safe seat in a forthcoming Senate by-election.
To those worried about civil liberties, putting Mr Gonzales in charge of domestic law enforcement might therefore not seem a big improvement on Mr Ashcroft.
On the other hand, as one of Mrs Clinton's advisers suggested this week, disappearing from the public eye, except for issuing daily reports on his battle with the Big C, might actually boost Mr Giuliani's chances against the Big H.
ECONOMIST: The New York Senate race: He said, she said | The
Ronald Reagan and Mr Clinton also faced big economic difficulties early in their terms.
Still, Mr Bush gets one big point right that most greens do not: trade-offs matter.
Mr Chernomyrdin's big asset in all this is his lack of strongly held principles.
As for Mr Sommer, a big overseas acquisition remains the cornerstone of his ambition.
Yet, although Mr Bush cannot ignore big steel, he need not lapse into protection.
ECONOMIST: Why protecting American steel is such a rotten idea