Within a few months, Mr. Grahame-Smith completely restructured and rewrote the screenplay, injecting it with campy humor that plays up the film's absurd premise: Barnabas Collins, a vampire played by Mr. Depp, emerges from a coffin after 200 years to find himself in the polyester, lava-lamp world of 1972.
WSJ: Seth Grahame-Smith: The Master of the Mash-Up
Mr. COTTER: "Santo vs. the Vampire Women" has probably the all-time classic scene where they're in the ring, and Santo's fighting just a difficult match against his opponent.
NPR: The Masked Men of Mexican Movies
Previous work by Mr Nazir includes the design and production of School of the Damned, a comic book about a vampire infestation that opens with the evacuation of St Kilda in 1930.
BBC: Scottish history told in graphic novel-style guide