• He stays with families who earn a few dollars a month, so he makes sure the new Nokia 1200 has multiple address books so a struggling family can share one phone.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • People Hub pulls together contact information from multiple address books and social networks into a single location, making it easy to stay in touch with friends and set up contact Groups and private Rooms for sharing.

    ENGADGET: Nokia Lumia 620 announced: 3.8-inch WVGA display, 5MP camera, $249

  • Moderated by Maria Aparecida da Silva Bento of the Research Centre on Laboor Relations and Inequality in Brazil, panellists from different areas of expertise presented multiple approaches to address racism and discrimination and foster respect.

    UNESCO: Youth and experts interact at launch of UNESCO-USA-Brazil project ��Teaching respect for All��

  • National and local government agencies need to be supported to develop their capacity to design and implement low cost appropriate systems that are efficient, sustainable, managed by local communities, targeted at those most in need and that address multiple needs of the poor.

    FORBES: CEO of WaterAid America David Winder Calls For More Public Education On Water Issues

  • The fact that we even call the type of agreement that adequately starts to address our multiple needs a "grand bargain" as if it were some impossible dream reveals much about the current state of play in our nation's capital.

    CNN: Cliff deal hollow victory for American people

  • The content of his proposed topics is expected to be covered by other speakers as agency staff plan to summarize the available data on the cardiovascular safety of rosiglitazone at the committee meeting, and multiple FDA speakers will address their review of the readjudication of RECORD trial based on the study reports submitted to the Agency.

    FORBES: The FDA Responds To Steve Nissen's Criticism Of Upcoming Avandia Meeting

  • However, ISPs have so widely deployed network address translation (NAT) devices, which coordinate multiple intranet addresses through a single Internet address, that they're in no hurry to move to IPv6.

    CNN: New protocol sneaks IPv6 traffic over the 'Net

  • To address the problem, Hyatt implemented mobile-device management systems that allow it to deal with multiple operating systems more smoothly and address security, monitoring and technical-support issues more efficiently.

    WSJ: Company's Most Common Tablet Mistakes

  • They do not address the problem of multiple claims on the same underlying assets, for instance: that would probably require banks holding junior liens to take a more realistic view of their value and write them down.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Financing to address climate change will derive from multiple sources, including both public and private funds and carbon markets.


  • Some false claims of multiple entries on the register at the same address were found by the police to relate to people "who had identical first names and surnames but different middle names", it suggested.

    BBC: No prosecutions over Tower Hamlets vote fraud claims

  • One way to address this problem is to harvest radiation from multiple sources.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • And that's why representatives of multiple agencies are here today -- because if we're going to address the needs of Native Americans in a comprehensive way, then we've got to mount a comprehensive response.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Opens Tribal Nations Conference

  • Similarly, you can now link contact cards in the address book, so you can finally go through and organize duplicate contacts with multiple listings easily.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • Taking a group of dedicated agents and training them on in how to engage customers, identify which posts are relevant and warrant responses, address them in the public forum, and build enduring conversations with buyers across multiple communication mediums is the core foundation of social customer care.

    FORBES: Social Business Can Kill You

  • In a statement released after President Bush's address to the nation, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said intelligence officials believe terrorists will attempt multiple attacks against U.S. and coalition targets worldwide in the event of a U.S.-led military campaign against Iraq.

    CNN: Terror alert level raised to 'orange'

  • Wells Fargo looks at multiple factors to authenticate users including name and password, a token in some cases, behavior such as the IP address the user comes in from and what he wants to do.

    FORBES: Wells Fargo Goes DIY In Building Business Banking Services

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