The lights of the skyscrapers below glow like burning cigarette ends through the murk of twilight.
But there was more to the novel than that something that squirmed in the murk of its motivations.
Into this murk comes Anna (Naomi Watts), a midwife, who is trying to trace the family of an orphaned Russian child.
The wetlands are best traversed by an airboat, and guides warn tourists that anything dropped into the murk is gone for good.
All this murk is having an effect on the EU's ability to push ahead with closer cooperation in justice and home affairs.
Believing, at first, that he himself was the target, he quickly learns that she was, in fact, up to her neck in the murk of the nuclear industry.
Although, in theory, the monarchy inhabits a realm far above the murk of daily government, it has been an important source of legitimacy for the unelected prime minister.
Squalls of feedback, clattering drums and a broken alarm almost overwhelm a squirming guitar solo, making the murk even more present before Doiron shouts "Look out, look out!"
If the smog continues to be an annual event, or the region acclimatises itself to perpetual murk, these losses could become permanent: investors and tourists alike will certainly go elsewhere.
If you look deep enough into the halls of IFA, if you can see through the 3D television murk and tablet hype, you might be lucky enough to find a few gems.
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But on that fall night, as Minna Everleigh watched the reporter disappear into the murk of Dearborn Street, she did not fret about what trouble might come, or who would be behind it.
But the dealings are so dense (and so complicated by the cultural tussles across the language frontier, between French and Flemish speakers), that we start to wonder if Roskam is determined to lose us in the murk.
The goal is clear, but getting there, finding a way through the murk and smog that hangs over cities like Wuhan, and forging a future based not on steel but a different type of economy - that's the hard part.