"We're not going to get into a bidding war, " says Durst, musing over his defeat.
Some scouting and musing revealed three primary causes of increased complexity of composite applications.
My musing is prompted by two little stories, one in the press and the other personal.
But the journalists who came to the Bank this morning weren't interested in such musing.
He also indulged in a bit of Hamletesque musing about whether he would act to waive Jackson-Vanik.
Now, we're going to be making it a regular thing, pulling together and musing on the week's vital statistics.
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"May looks very, very good, " Santorum told reporters, musing about the possibility of Texas making its 154 delegates winner-take-all.
In a real-time startegy game, you can't afford to neglect the battlefield while musing over hulls and sail fabric.
Williams sent Lee's counterintelligence tip back home to Bishop and musing about suspects.
But now she decided to skip her post-class musing-on-the-mats routine, head straight for the Serenity Posse II meeting on Amsterdam.
But now that southeastern rivals First Union and SunTrust Banks are bidding for Wachovia, Allison is musing on his next move.
After spotting this Twitter musing from security researcher Christopher Boyd, we ran Google Trends on a few common cybersecurity terms.
And here are a few others, the result of our own in-depth - two minute - musing over a cup of tea.
First, senior politicians are musing on what being British is all about.
Lawyers promptly filled the American Bar Association's website with sarcastic comments about the study, musing about extending their practices into surgery and mortgage lending.
So grave is Fiat's plight that Silvio Berlusconi, the prime minister, has even suggested a rescue package, musing aloud last weekend about subsidising the industry.
He was reduced to bite-size governing and musing about his relevance.
Now with the Blu-Ray capable PS3 set to come out this November, rival Microsoft may be musing on whether to do some price cutting of its own.
Thursday 10.30am, Houses of Parliament: A quick break from musing on the end of the world to return to the end of the News of the World.
NPR's Bob Mondello sent along this musing about the ranking.
"Rodin is a great sculptor, " he notes, before wandering off into a musing litany of works he owns: " 'The Kiss, ' 'The Thinker, ' 'The Shades, ' 'Eve, ' " he pauses.
Here's how Lord Turner, at the same time as Mark Carney was musing about changing the inflation target, came out of the closet on turning government debt into cash.
Tech websites and newspapers have spent the last few days musing over what the future holds for Apple and the tech industry after the resignation of Steve Jobs.
Limerick was between the airport and the Irish venue, and I had looked forward to stopping there, musing with my muse, and getting a picture of the city limit sign.
Other Democrats musing on their chances include Dick Gephardt, minority leader in the House of Representatives, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts and the Reverend Jesse Jackson, perennial standard-bearer for America's minorities.
He was musing about how helpful it would have been to have had a CRM program that was specifically designed for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and worked with a calendaring application.
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Yet Bush's resoluteness aside, there are people like Robert Gordon, president of investment firm Twenty-First Securities, musing that when it comes to taxes, the news from now on is likely to be unpleasant.