Earlier today, I was briefed by my homeland security team on the events in Boston.
"This is where I feel like my yearning for my homeland will rest, " she added.
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That's what Pakistan, my homeland, has done in the past few weeks.
We settled in the San Francisco Bay Area and I first returned in 2000 to Herat to report and to reconnect with my homeland.
And it was good to see access to my homeland of Hull encouraged with a promise to halve the tolls on the Humber Bridge.
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It's somebody talking about, I love and cherish my homeland, my home place, because my parents are there and my roots are there and my life is there.
It will be mounted on a pole, and in front of it, we'll have a memorial plate made of black stone bearing the names of 99 airmen who died for our freedom over my homeland.
So when I arrived in Ireland for a vacation to my ancestral homeland earlier this month, I was elated to find that the contest would be televised on the last night of my stay.
I've directed my counterterrorism and homeland security advisor at the White House, John Brennan, to lead these reviews going forward and to present the final results and recommendations to me in the days to come.
So on our next trip to my husband's homeland of Scotland, we booked a lesson at the British School of Falconry at the Gleneagles Hotel, whose 850 acres of Scottish highland is quite the setting for pretending to be a clan chief hunting for dinner.
For the last four years, as my Advisor for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security, John developed and has overseen our comprehensive counterterrorism strategy -- a collaborative effort across the government, including intelligence and defense and homeland security, and law enforcement agencies.
This morning everyone seemed - my sources seemed absolutely sure that Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was going to get it.
Never did I imagine then that I would one day have the privilege to represent my country as Ambassador in her former homeland, what is now the Czech Republic.
But it's also my job to ensure that our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security systems and the people in them are working effectively and held accountable.
Last year, my company developed a mobile app prototype for the Department of Homeland Security under the SBIR program that enables citizens to access DHS-disseminated public information faster and with greater accuracy.
This review also benefits from the contributions of leaders from across my national security team -- from the departments of State, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, as well as the intelligence community.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Defense Strategic Review