Every day, I carry with me the pain of watching the excruciating death of my sister-in-law, Julie, eighteen years ago.
WHITEHOUSE: Office of National AIDS Policy Blog
Ms. MARIA RAY(ph): My name is Maria Ray and my ex-sister-in-law gave me a mug, which was given to her, which was a recycled gift from somebody to her.
NPR: The Worst Gift Ever
When I landed, my sister-in-law was able to flick through the photos of her niece and nephew on the touchscreen, a feature that is cool, to be sure, but also supremely useful.
FORBES: Gadgets We Love
But about a year and a half ago I was helping my sister-in-law cook for a party, and her restaurateur father, known to his grandchildren, and the rest of the family, as Nutzie, came in the door bearing several large aluminum containers of pulled pork, which he had made at his mom-and-pop restaurant in Worcester, Mass.
WSJ: Mom-and-Pop Pulled Pork
My sister and brother-in-law took a Spirit flight to South Carolina for a wedding on a recent weekend.
FORBES: The Amazing Story Of How My Brother-in-Law Got His iPad Back From Spirit Airlines Without Losing His Identity
They went for a meal to Widemouth with my brother and sister-in-law at 4pm and already it was incredible rain.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Were you affected by the flooding?