The Khomeinist revolution has not succeeded in destroying the plurimillennial idea of Iran as a nation-state.
He talks of building a nation-state and taking Ukraine into NATO and the European Union.
And for more than 2, 000 years, it was not a nation-state but a civilisation-state.
There are several reasons that the nation-state as a political unit of sovereignty is under threat.
The growth of the nation-state made the border an indispensable bureaucratic tool of mind and body control.
But Mr Chirac is a Gaullist too, and so a defender of French sovereignty and the nation-state.
If he did, that could consolidate Ukraine's other big achievement to have survived at all as a nation-state.
We assume that the nation-state, that long-standing and remarkably influential European invention, is more or less universal.
It established a newly centralized nation-state and launched it on a trajectory of economic expansion and world influence.
As a nation-state, Iran may be a rival and competitor for other nations.
On the other hand, the vast majority of Iran's people wish to live in a normal and free nation-state.
The spirit of political liberty cannot flourish outside the body of the nation-state.
It's not well, it's enabled by some, it is not part of any nation-state.
The Japanese and Russian strands of this hugely complex tale of an evolving nation-state are picked out in less detail.
Without a nation-state, without self-governance, without self-determination there can be no security for a people nor preservation of its identity.
Independent security experts said the scope of its complexity and method of operation suggests Flame was sponsored by a nation-state.
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, the retiring chairman of the committee, called the groups "cyber hit men for hire" for nation-state actors in cyberspace.
Only a nation-state would have the financial, manpower and other resources necessary to develop and deploy Stuxnet, the experts argue.
Syria perhaps rises to the level of rook, since it is a nation-state and has a mutual defense treaty with Iran.
It is a worry that is more often held about Britain, that other intransigent nation-state, whose cussedness in Europe has become legendary.
Throughout the world, one of the most prevalent causes of war, terrorism, and political instability is the ongoing weakening of the nation-state system.
While Americans remain individualistic citizens of a nation-state at the height of its power, Europeans are absorbed in an unprecedented enterprise of union-building.
The nation-state is a good practical institution, but it does not provide the final moral delineation of which people count and which do not.
And in general, the Left's justification of jihadist aggression stems from its neo-Marxist faith that the liberal nation-state is the root of all evil.
" In it, he warned of the emergence of "a new challenge to liberal democracy and its traditional home, the liberal democratic nation-state.
The largest problem is when a nation-state is the perpetrator of cyber-terrorism.
The value of euro banknotes in circulation and the market for euro-denominated securities already rival the dollar, a long-established currency backed by a single nation-state.
It was inconvenient for those who were trapped on motorways or blockaded in harbours, but the internal affairs of a nation-state were its own business.
France, after all, still believes more strongly in the centralised nation-state.
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Fifth, we must restore the supremacy and sovereignty of the nation-state.