Children aged seven, 11 and 14 are taking this year's national curriculum tests.
BBC: Tests - a guide for parents
Alternatively, their teachers can submit results from national curriculum tests, while the children compile a portfolio to demonstrate their all-round creative and intellectual skills.
BBC: Bringing on the brightest
Although unlike the national curriculum tests, the spelling tests will not be centrally administered, all primary schools will be expected to carry them out.
BBC: Spelling out school improvement
The tables show how more than 14, 000 primary schools in England performed on a range measures linked to national curriculum tests, known as Sats.
BBC: Primary school league tables published
National curriculum tests, commonly known as Sats, are taken by all pupils at age 11, and the results of these are used to inform league table rankings.
BBC: The UK's diverging school systems
Schools are considered to be falling short if fewer than 60% of pupils reach Level 4 in their national curriculum tests, known as Sats, taken at the end of primary school.
BBC: child
The great irony about the national curriculum tests (or SATs as parents have come to call them) is that one of the main reasons for their introduction was not so much to test children but to test schools and teachers.
BBC: The dilemma of private tuition
All are coming to grips with a very different profession: one shaped by a national curriculum, and tests and targets.
ECONOMIST: Teachers' foibles
The academy would not have to follow the national curriculum, but would introduce national tests in key areas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Steiner school's academy bid
New approaches - based on tests assessing whether children meet a particular national curriculum level - were being piloted, he added.
BBC: Schools may try to boycott Sats
The Department for Children, Schools and Families is piloting a possible replacement in the form of "single level tests" that children would take to confirm their teachers' assessment that they had reached a higher national curriculum attainment level.
BBC: Delays hit pupils' test results