There is not a single moment of hardship that cannot be transformed into one of national strength.
The development of an aircraft carrier has long been promoted as a symbol of rising national strength.
Technically, a high yield test would be self-evidently a sign of national strength.
BBC: Analysis: What is driving North Korea's nuclear test plan?
That poses a huge test for the Church of England and its claims to be a source of national strength.
The general consensus was that while Germany may not culturally be the most entrepreneurial country, the emphasis on execution was a national strength.
We hear that international institutions and agreements can replace national strength.
Germany's defence bureaucrats have made no secret of their view that land systems are a national strength, just as Britain has prevailed in aircraft and France in electronics.
We have evolved from merely tolerating diversity to acceptance and now finally the apex of this mindset is celebrating diversity as a source of national strength rather than a source of conflict.
Carriers are a unique representation of national strength.
FORBES: What Is It Like To Be The Commanding Officer Of An Aircraft Carrier?
"China will not join any arms race, pose a threat to other countries or exceed its national and economic strength to develop arms, " Xinhua said in a commentary on Tuesday.
Because of national balance-sheet strength and rapid economic growth, countries in Asia look attractive.
This is important for national security and provides strength behind our foreign policy.
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Fears of insecurity and immigration play to the National Front's strength.
But it will all but rule out the wild cards who used to be able to seize national attention on the strength of their performances in Iowa or New Hampshire.
You might imagine that it would be easier to call for a return to military strength and national greatness in the United States -- a superpower -- than in the United Kingdom -- a middle ranking power.
With winds now reported to be more than 90mph, the hurricane - dubbed "Frankenstorm" - is gaining strength, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) has said.
If mayors are no longer the poor relations of American politics, their continued acceptance within the family depends largely on the future strength of the national economy.
For example, in just five years, Share Our Strength, a national organization committed to ending childhood hunger, was able to quadruple the money it raised by investing in fundraising.
By forging a united front, the Kurds will bolster their strength in the national assembly in Baghdad (where they may even hold the balance) and secure a key spot in Iraq's post-election constitutional debate.
But the steel strength of the national unity government would help us face all those who are breaking the law, or those who are trying to take down democracy in Iraq, or those who are conspiring and trying to have coups or basically bring down the national unity government.
The expected end strength of the Afghan national security forces will be around 350, 000 by 2015, although that is expected to fall to 230, 000 by 2017.
Violent security incidents continue to take place due to the lack of a coherent national Libyan security force and the strength of local militias and large numbers of armed groups.
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Indeed, financial strength is essential to national security.
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Fidelity National first showed a breakout of relative strength in the beginning of the March 2003 bull market.
It has lavished cheap loans on firms that it sees as national champions, partly to counteract the strength of the real.
As the largest city, and home to the majority of national institutions and administrative offices, the strength of Cardiff's bid was powerful.
Biden and Obama know they will have to mount a major public relations campaign to try to overcome the strength and opposition of the National Rifle Association.
CNN: Biden on Obama at start of second term: 'Totally simpatico'
When Costa reversed its plans to open a branch in Totnes, the company's managing director Chris Rogers said Costa had "recognised the strength of feeling" against national brands in the town.
Rep. John Murtha, one of the few House Democrats who - as a decorated veteran and life-long adherent to the philosophy of peace through strength - has credibility on national security matters, declared that withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq should begin immediately.