That was later expanded to 19 million acres and renamed the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in 1980.
Congress set up the giant Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, about the size of South Carolina, in 1980.
Following signs marked with a banjo, I pass the evocatively-named Great Dismal Swamp, a national wildlife refuge.
Romney hit McCain for his opposition to drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
The administration wants to open up part of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling, something Kerry opposes.
"When America set aside the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, we called it a 'refuge' for a reason, " he said.
If they succeed in drilling here, working other Edens, like the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, will be easy by comparison.
All it took was the threat of new offshore and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling to pop the speculative bubble.
Their survey of the region set in motion the effort to protect what is now the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
As you get closer to the Alvord you'll pass Malheur National Wildlife Refuge--187, 000 acres flocked to by birds and birders alike.
Shelly Laukitis is looking for someone to care for her Alaskan property, which is surrounded by the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.
Mr. TERENCE DELAINE (Refuge Manager, Sabine National Wildlife Refuge): Look like somebody's landfill with all their personal home items piled up.
Thirteen islands make up this windswept and fragile refuge in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge.
The researchers say that 98% of the money raised is spent on purchasing or leasing habitat within the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Ms. DIANE BORDON-BILLIOT (Sabine National Wildlife Refuge): They call it Louisiana's Outback.
And what about other measures, such as passing a second economic stimulus package or expanding drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)?
To reduce America's dependence on foreign sources of oil, Huckabee would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the continental shelves to drilling.
The chickadees were still singing at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge near Minneapolis, but few people were there to hear them Saturday.
The study area extends from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska on the west and through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on the east.
More than 800 brown pelicans died when a smaller oil spill hit Louisiana's Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge a few years ago, MacKenzie said.
He said the federal government should provide incentives to states that permit offshore exploration, but he is against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
O'LEARY: The Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge was once a pristine marsh.
The plan has been criticized for tilting toward fossil fuel production, including a push to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
The federal government has already ruled repeatedly that opening new onshore areas, such as the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, to drilling would exact too great an environmental cost.
Even if we did move into the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, you know, we're still looking at five to 10 years before we get usable volumes of oil.
His first year in office, he led a coalition in 1991 to defeat an energy bill that would have opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife refuge to oil drilling.
Right now we have no presidential candidate who is skeptical of global warming, willing to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and who speaks for a strong dollar.
In Congress, attention has now shifted to the House in the debate over whether to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, up in Alaska.
Bush has proposed drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska as a solution, but Younts thinks the United States should look elsewhere to solve the problem.
Republicans also want to legalize drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and allow the processing of oil shale on public lands in the West -- two actions Democrats also oppose.