Before independence in 1991, Kazakhstan had no history of separate nationhood, let alone entrepreneurship.
Lawrence kick-started the Arab Revolt, but it was Gertrude who gave the Arabs a route to nationhood.
The haredim, perhaps incongruously, could offer hope for a more temperate, less obdurate ethos of Jewish nationhood.
The curators say the stream of ordinary Kenyans visiting the show has affirmed a renewed sense of nationhood.
Tribal identity continues to play a far more important part in the central Africans than ideas of nationhood.
The EEC was "not an end in itself" and power should not be concentrated in Brussels, at the expense of nationhood.
When the Nationhood Coalition's candidate for the presidency, Megawati Sukarnoputri, lost her job, its leaders were largely excluded from the cabinet.
So weak is the Welsh sense of nationhood that Plaid Cymru was careful in this election not to campaign overtly for independence.
The Church has become a central symbol of this dispute over nationhood.
An alternative course for the Palestinians would be to demand greater recognition from the UN, but a status which falls short of full nationhood.
Speaking at the Catholic University in Nairobi, he said Kenyans were celebrating the "triumph of democracy, the triumph of peace, the triumph of nationhood".
BBC: Kenya election: Uhuru Kenyatta hails 'democracy triumph'
But should the fact that the Jews were homeless as well as stateless disqualify their claim to nationhood and set their rights at naught?
It is already difficult in the UK if you subsidise Scotland or Wales, but if there is no shared nationhood this support is very thin.
"These countries are young countries, they are countries with a strong sense of nationhood and when their team wins everyone feels it, " says Mr Griffin.
He led America out of revolutionary victory into infant nationhood.
In the former Yugoslavia, the late strongman Josip Broz Tito tried to minimize and loosen communal and religious loyalties in a bid to forge a wider sense of nationhood.
Seeking to flex their parliamentary muscles, Golkar and Miss Megawati's Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, the two largest parties in the Nationhood Coalition, have discovered they are not as strong as they had hoped.
At war's end this shared suffering would override persisting differences about the meanings of race, citizenship, and nationhood to establish sacrifice and its memorialization as the ground on which North and South would ultimately reunite.
Nevertheless, the CRO has practical reasons for arguing that there must be a formal break between the last of the colonial stages of a country's development and the first of the stages of adult nationhood.
But government is largely self-administered and it has some trappings of nationhood - for example, competing in international sporting events under its own banner - and ended up under New Zealand's aegis only because of its colonial history.
Fast-forward to the Revolution of 1789 and francien-derived French was imposed as the language of liberty and nationhood, its spread then aided by the emergence of a French press in the 19th century and, from 1882, by compulsory schooling.
So there's no doubt that the economy, and perceptions of how it could be affected by independent nationhood, is going to play big in the next two years of campaigning - at least as big as questions of identity and calls on Braveheart patriotism.
Unlike the options Abravanel had to weigh, since the dawn of modern Zionism, our leaders have had the option of demanding and commanding the respect of the nations of the world and so securing the lives of the Jews and nationhood of the Jewish people in our land.