All that time and energy spent agonizing over every em-dash and semicolon, for naught!
But his boldness will come to naught if it is not followed up by efficient execution.
But all their efforts may be for naught if the queen bee doesn't approve.
And all the aid efforts we'll be trying will go to naught, in my judgment.
All of this will go for naught if people don't have a good education.
His repeated attempts to have courts look anew at his conviction were, until recently, for naught.
FORBES: Jeffrey MacDonald, Innocence, and the Future of Habeas Corpus
In the end, for both Clark-Pleasant and Lewiston, the fundraising might be for naught.
FORBES: School District Tries To Scare Up $3 Million In Advertising To Pay For Sports
Until now, attempts to set up this sort of collaboration have come to naught.
If one of them hit me, my efforts to avoid the baby would be for naught.
The Islanders' intensity paid off in the home team's first power play that also went for naught.
All of these aforementioned innovations are for naught if the networks are too overloaded to support them.
FORBES: Mobile Phone Gaming Gets A Boost From Better Graphics Chips
The rush to increase profits has come to naught and in many cases led to financial disaster.
Myhrvold admits that many of the ideas that come out of the invention sessions come to naught.
On the evening of July 14th, Kellond and Marino believed all of their hard work might be for naught.
Fortunately, these legislative efforts have heretofore come to naught and the original EAA was simply extended on an annual basis.
Republican hopes that Mr Bush would benefit from months of squabbling among his would-be Democratic rivals have come to naught.
Yet within minutes of the first guests arriving, they were alarmed to discover that all of their privacy efforts were for naught.
FORBES: If you want to have a private party, don't invite your Foursquare-using friends
He tries, but in Godfather II his best efforts come to naught.
But it comes to naught if the Vatican is either incapable of following through to execute the Pope's intentions, or even undermines them.
If lawmakers insist on keeping NOPEC in their final bill, all of their work on the Senate bill might have been for naught.
The current U.S. pandemic control strategy is based on computer simulations that assume a flu virus with an R-naught between 1.6 and 2.4.
Mr Obama's oft-professed goal of capping America's emissions of greenhouse gases has come to naught, as has his talk of comprehensive immigration reform.
ECONOMIST: And not about to rush to the polls in November, either
Last year, however, Simonsen and Viggo Andreasen concluded that the true R-naught of the 1918 flu virus was probably somewhere between 3 and 4.
But should the fact that the Jews were homeless as well as stateless disqualify their claim to nationhood and set their rights at naught?
What these men thought in their heads or felt in their hearts mattered naught in the world, it was their political actions that was everything.
If all other safeguards have come to naught, can big financial institutions be allowed to go bust (or be saved without asking taxpayers to stump up)?
All our steps to rein in the deficit will be for naught if we do not reduce the rate of health care cost growth over time.
It just goes to show once again: The best of intentions often come to naught in the absence of respect for what's right and a bit of modesty.
But the immense efforts of the U.S. government, United Nations agencies, global donors, scientists, service providers and activists will be for naught if the money ceases to flow.
All the meetings, all the brain storming, all the good intentions will amount to naught without great tactics and individual responsibility to execute on strategies both large and small.