The report focuses on five countries - Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan and Nauru.
Alternatively, there have occasionally been proposals to move Nauru's population to another unoccupied Pacific island.
Some legal experts believe it may now rule out using Nauru and Papua New Guinea as well.
In 1968, Nauru, jointly administered by Britain, Australia and New Zealand since World War I, became independent.
Nauru will be able to take in 500 asylum seekers by the end September, said Mr Bowen.
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Over the past two years, however, Nauru has developed closer ties to Australia.
Earlier this month, lawmakers approved the re-opening of offshore processing camps for asylum seekers in Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
Nauru, another Pacific island nation, ranked first, with 35.2 and 34, respectively.
Phosphate mining revenues on the Pacific island of Nauru have been squandered.
In a statement, Mr Bowen said he had "signed the legislative instrument designating the Republic of Nauru as a regional processing country".
Only two countries, Guatemala and Nauru, have no legal system for the exchange of tax information, although they are working on it.
Something similar, but on a much smaller scale, is happening in Nauru.
More respectable offshore centres, such as the Channel Islands, resent being lumped together with laxer places such as Nauru and the Cook Islands.
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Australia will send the first group of asylum seekers to an offshore processing centre in Nauru this week, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says.
Australia has also recently reopened an offshore processing centre on Nauru, as it puts back in place a controversial policy it ended four years ago.
The day before, the president of Nauru, Marcus Stephen (a Commonwealth gold-medal-winning weightlifter) stood down after allegations that he took kickbacks on earnings from phosphate exports.
Reports in Australian media said about 2, 000 asylum seekers had reached Australia since the country approved plans to re-open offshore processing centres in Nauru and PNG.
All of them, with the exception of Nauru, were classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and all of them faced significant challenges in raising the effectiveness of their education workforce.
There are two others in the Caribbean (St Kitts-Nevis and St Vincent) and four in the Pacific (Niue, Nauru and the Cook and Marshall Islands), as well as Panama and Liechtenstein.
Nauru is a Pacific island composed largely of phosphates.
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Last year, the government re-established offshore processing camps for asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea and Nauru in a bid to deter people from making the dangerous journey across the sea to Australia.
The total number of countries and territories reporting at least one case of infection now stands at 168, with new cases reported in Azerbaijan, Gabon, Grenada, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Monaco, Nauru, Swaziland and Suriname.
More recently, Australia has found itself drawn into much smaller-scale operations with a big civilian component in the Solomon Islands, in Papua New Guinea and even in Nauru: all countries that became independent only in the late 1960s or 1970s, and have signally failed to prosper.
Eight countries (FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, RMI, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) have participated in the programme for the last five years and more than 300 teachers and teacher trainers in the Pacific have benefitted from the workshops and it is expected that they in turn will have a positive impact on student achievement.
Speaking during the interactive discussion were the representatives of Spain (on behalf of the European Union), Nauru (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Equatorial Guinea (on behalf of the African Group), Canada (also on behalf of Australia and New Zealand), Nepal (on behalf of the least developed countries), Bolivia, Australia, Colombia, Russian Federation and Venezuela.