Nauru, another Pacific island nation, ranked first, with 35.2 and 34, respectively.
WSJ: Island Where Obesity May Not Be All It Seems
Phosphate mining revenues on the Pacific island of Nauru have been squandered.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Firms 'aid poor-country fraud'
Nauru is a Pacific island composed largely of phosphates.
ECONOMIST: LITTLE COUNTRIES: Small but perfectly formed | The
Alternatively, there have occasionally been proposals to move Nauru's population to another unoccupied Pacific island.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Australia team to aid broke Nauru
Speaking during the interactive discussion were the representatives of Spain (on behalf of the European Union), Nauru (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Equatorial Guinea (on behalf of the African Group), Canada (also on behalf of Australia and New Zealand), Nepal (on behalf of the least developed countries), Bolivia, Australia, Colombia, Russian Federation and Venezuela.
UN: General Assembly