Digital now commands nearly one in five ad dollars, the market researcher notes.
Newspaper classified ad expenditures tumbled nearly 17 percent in 2007, according to the Newspaper Association of America.
Google and Facebook combined will account for nearly 30% of display ad revenues this year, rising to 37% in 2014.
After the ad ran, nearly one third of all voters polled said the situation made them less likely to vote for Ryan.
Ad pages declined nearly 12 percent in 2008 versus 2007.
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Both Obama and, to a lesser extent, Ryan missed an opportunity to establish some principles that would guide the ongoing budget work, which has been characterized on both sides of the aisle by disorganized and ad hoc, nearly random, cuts or enhancements to various programs.
When supplies run out, campaigns continue to produce paid ads, causing retailers to pour nearly one out of every two ad dollars down the drain.
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Nearly-bankrupt companies rely on ad agencies and design shops for that.
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But even as overall magazine advertising revenue grows, it's not expanding nearly as fast as U.S. ad spending as a whole.
Its ad campaign featuring photographers and designers has been running for nearly 20 years.
In the waning days of the Clinton ad-ministration, the Environmental Protection Agency issued an edict that General Electric spend nearly half a billion dollars dredging the Hudson River to remove PCBs, which are supposedly carcinogenic.
New York City has recently launched a public ad campaign aimed at teen pregnancy, despite the fact that the city has seen a nearly 30 percent drop in rates.
Dig this, from Department of Transportation records: As Ad Age points out, in 1978 three quarters of 17 year-olds had licenses (and nearly half of 16-year-olds).