You need to do a lot of things while you're playing basketball.
"They don't need to do a lot of exotic things, " Flacco said.
But to compete in a function over form world, the luxury industry will need to do more things better, and be the best at a lot of things.
"There are a lot of things you need to explain and tell to the Western audience (that) would be considered boring" to a Chinese audience, said Jeffrey Chan, CEO of Hong Kong-based Distribution Workshop.
Now, that is not to say that there aren't a lot of things they need to improve the safety of the shuttle, but if we thought that this shuttle was just inherently unsafe, we would have said so.
As happy as I am with the growth the past year, there are a lot of mistakes we made and things we need to do differently.
Stratram would need to overcome a lot of challenges, particularly if squishy humans were among the things being transported into space: the track would need to be around 1, 000 miles long to avoid the kind of instant acceleration that could crush a human, and the train would need a low-pressure vacuum tube to travel through.
"I think it is important to have a back-up plan if you don't get what you really want in the first place - you need to have an education to fall back on and you can learn a lot of things here like life skills and other things, " he said.
We're talking about a lot of people are hurting in this economy and these are people who need things - clothes of their kids and other very important things that we hope to get them the money.
So we went and put together a lot of information just focused on your mobile devices, wireless communications, things you need to do.
"Right from the get-go, a lot of things that John Edwards talked about were working family issues: that we need to not only protect but bring back American jobs, " Rankin said.
When we manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us, we have a lot more time to accomplish the things we need to do in order to win.
These things can be done, but a lot of legacy silo thinking and billing assets will need to bite the dust in favor of regional VistA-enabled frameworks to act as the regional backbone for a fresh start.
FORBES: How Virtual Health Assistants Can Reshape Healthcare