• By eliminating healthcare insurance discrimination against those who desperately need it, expanding public and private sources of affordable insurance, and guaranteeing a minimum standard benefit, HIV care will become more readily accessible than ever before.

    WHITEHOUSE: Winning the Battle Against HIV/AIDS

  • And again, why is it that unemployment insurance, which is a good example of something that economists everywhere agree is highly beneficial to economic growth in a time like this because that assistance to people who desperately need it goes right back into the economy and results in job growth and job -- economic growth and job creation -- everybody agrees on that.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Richard Brook, chief executive of Mind, said centres like this could help to offer help to those who were desperately in need of it.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | 'I came here in total despair'

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says Watkins , the University of Liverpool researcher who invented it.

    FORBES: A Cure for Neglect

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says William Watkins, the University of Liverpool researcher who invented it.

    FORBES: A Cure for Neglect

  • However, fans desperately need someone to put it all into context- who is this artist?

    FORBES: Keeping the 'M' in MTV: MTV's Amy Doyle on Maintaining the Network's Musical Relevance

  • And, at a time of economic hardship, it means forgoing jobs we desperately need.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Solar Power & a Clean Energy Economy

  • "I would say that this is more than just a matter of bringing additional military capabilities, although we desperately need additional military capabilities, it's also about ultimately a political solution, " he said.

    CNN: Changing course in Afghanistan

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says William Watkins, the researcher at the University of Liverpool who invented it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • By extending the health of donated livers, the new device could not only increase the chances those who desperately need the organs will receive them, it could also improve the outcome of recipients.

    FORBES: New Device Keeps Liver Alive Outside Body

  • It is for this reason that operators, who desperately need Wi-Fi to serve as a viable extension of their mobile business, have only been able to use it as a compliment to their current offerings.

    FORBES: Making Wi-Fi '3G Secure' For Mobile Data Offloading

  • It would even revitalize the Democratic Party and offer them the boost they desperately need.

    FORBES: What Obama Really Needs To Do

  • To deride, ridicule, discourage and financially penalize those Americans fortunate enough to be making big investments is not only misplaced, but it is also harmful to the very investments in infrastructure and growth companies we desperately need for our economy to grow and create jobs.

    FORBES: U.S. Government's Misguided 'Fixes' Hurt Us All

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