Actually farmers growing organic apples knew they had the upper hand in negotiating prices.
On, an online "virtual lounge" only open to physicians, many doctors scoff at the notion of negotiating prices with patients.
The public would never have accepted a Veterans Affairs-type plan, which keeps costs down by excluding lots of drugs that people want to be able to use and negotiating prices.
He also says Morton's is trying to create more values as the economy sags, in part by negotiating prices on large allotments of a particular wine, then selling it by the glass.
He had conducted a detailed study of his company's fortunes and found that his income had increased by 70% in the six months after he started using a mobile phone in 2006, because basic activities such as stock handling and negotiating prices with suppliers become much more efficient with a mobile phone.
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Representative RAHM EMMANUEL (Democrat, Illinois): Democrats made a pledge that if we got to Congress we were going to take the language that the pharmaceutical companies got, strike that language, rip it out and then specifically tell the secretary to begin negotiating prices with the pharmaceutical companies so we can get a better price both for the seniors and the taxpayers.
Intelisys software automates the purchase-approval process, freeing up the purchasing department to spend time, say, negotiating better prices.
So in 1974 Gerda Koontz quit her job and started negotiating repurchase prices for 40 of his old books.
Avorn points out that negotiating drug prices is illegal in the United States.
These are the situations where insurers earn their keep: negotiating lower prices from competing drug manufacturers, and passing those savings on in the form of lower premiums.
They started out in the 1970s doing claims adjudication for pharmacies and insurers, but moved into negotiating drug prices with manufacturers, designing health plans for employers and insurers and running mail-order shops.
Are there ways that we can do a better job negotiating for better prices?
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That having bureaucrats and government deciding upon prices, negotiating with suppliers, using the sheer weight of money at their disposal to get better prices, would curb the way that health care seems to have its own, higher, inflation rate.
More consolidation would certainly give steel firms extra clout when negotiating ore and coke prices.
Bigger companies have more negotiating power when they haggle over prices with airlines, hotels and insurance companies.
While subsidies have impacted margins, they have also helped the bigger carriers use their greater negotiating power to offer a wider choice of smartphones at low initial prices, thereby locking in customers for the longer term.
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One big reason for this is that the biggest PBMs have the best negotiating leverage with drug companies and retailers so they are best positioned to offer customers the best prices.
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To be sure, the embargo "may cause upward pressure on oil prices in Europe in the short term as Iran's oil is diverted, but lower prices elsewhere, " Standard Chartered said, as China would likely take advantage by negotiating discounts.
Whether I did it just so that I could bring back the Cyprus Pound, or whether I used it just as a negotiating tool with the Troika, I would very noisily make enquiries of De La Rue about the prices on an emergency bank note printing contract.
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