Doyne lives in Nepal year-round, traveling to the U.S. a few times a year.
There, she met a young girl who wanted to find her family in Nepal.
After all, Nepal's Himalaya range is home to eight of the world's highest peaks.
For comparison, climbing fees for Nepal's other mountains range from about 18, 000 to 38, 000 Nepali rupees.
For the Chhetri sisters, their pioneering endeavour is changing the face of tourism in Nepal.
Compared to other regions, this eastern corner is as off the beaten track as Nepal gets.
The Madhesi and Tharu mainly live in the southernmost part of Nepal, an area known as Terai.
In Nepal, a country known for legislative deadlock, corruption allegations and weak infrastructure, effective change will be slow.
No wonder it is one of the few areas left in Nepal where snow leopards still roam undisturbed.
The victory transformed Nepal from a monarchy to a republic after 239 years of autocratic rule.
One example was a girl in Nepal who was funded for a heart treatment through Watsi.
And in the case of the forests of south-western Nepal, the target is the trees.
If Forest Resource Assessment Nepal and projects like it are successful, that will change.
In 1972, King Mahendra of Nepal (1955-72) died and was succeeded by his son, Birendra.
The travel ban has also hurt tour firms in Nepal and in China's Sichuan province.
Nepal boasts one of the most vibrant community radio fields in Asia, if not globally.
Buses are often overcrowded in Nepal and accidents on poorly maintained mountain roads are common.
Several rounds of talks between Nepal and Bhutan have failed to resolve the issue.
They have a point: they voluntarily ended the war, while in control of much of Nepal.
Judy Alison Taylor (Balloch, Dunbartonshire) - For services to Critical Care in the UK and Nepal.
In Nepal, Anju worked for a nonprofit that provided local training on child care.
From Nepal, out of a total of 13 entries, 2 entries brought home this award.
The three who have accepted so far went to Mozambique, Costa Rica, and Nepal.
Mr Pathak adds that Nepal's mountainous terrain also makes it an ideal place to cultivate coffee.
His grandfather Bhuramal Chaudhary, a textile trader from Rajasthan, migrated to Nepal in the 19th century.
In Nepal and elsewhere in the world, nothing will ever replace a good teacher.
Nepal says that the rebels are destroying water systems, telecoms equipment and other useful materials.
India also claims goods from other countries are being packaged in Nepal and exported to India.
WWF-Nepal's office in Kathmandu said it too had learnt about the rope and pulley idea.
On January 23rd the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) expires.