It had an OK but hardly exciting telecomm equipment business (equipment for use with DSL broadband and telephone net work monitoring).
Let's hope that as the politicians head out of Tunisia, they have a little more insight into what really makes the net work, and that they ensure that it is preserved as the information society develops.
The 53% of the US population that uses the net spends more than 25 hours online a month at home and more than 74 hours on the net at work.
But, as I and others have pointed out in these pages, income phaseouts create work disincentives like taxes do, because they reduce the net rewards to work.
Brendan McArdle opened Down's account in the ninth minute and the home side were ahead four minutes later when McCumiskey struck the ball to the net after good work by Coulter and Ambrose Rogers.
Telford's victory was earned when Brown, last season's top scorer, converted a Meechan cross on the half hour, with Meechan himself hitting the ball into the roof of the net following good work by Martyn Naylor minutes into the second half.
Or serve as a safety net for out of work professionals in the crisis.
WSJ: America's Newest Profession: Blogging – Mark Penn,
The book, which is written as a novel, tells the story of how a company institutionalizes the idea of mesh collaboration, which is the practice of using the widest net possible in knowledge work.
The lack of a safety net encourages everybody to work, and the employed get to keep most of what they earn due to low tax rates -- more than half of wage earners pay no tax at all.
But for the able bodied, that safety net should be provided through work rather than free stuff.
Although such payments may be justified as part of a social safety net, rewarding non-work and penalizing productive effort reduces jobs and economic activity.
He explained that he'd prefer to see employees taking care of tasks such as shopping and laundry at work via the Net rather than have them leave early to attend to those errands.
And the company failed to exploit many of its advantages and annoyed many with its unwillingness to work with the grain of the net culture by supporting the Netscape browser or opening up AOL's Instant Messenger to work with other services.
The unions, and indeed many other South Koreans, are especially worried that the safety net for those thrown out of work is inadequate.
According to the Census Bureau, right-to-work states enjoyed a 11.3% net increase of new residents over the past decade compared to non-right-to-work states.
It's rarified air for a player known more for his dirty work in front of the net than his talent for finding the back of it.
Part of this role involves overseeing the work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (Iana), which does the technical work required to maintain the net's address books.
In brief, we need to move to a system that (1) makes room for more flexible contracts in the labour market, (2) has a minimal welfare net for workers who are out of work, and (3) resolves labour market disputes more quickly.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Why India's labour laws are a problem
Now at that time of year, you wouldn't expect the banks to put all that net 191bn euros of new money to work in a proper sense: it will take time for that money to be used repaying the banks' own debts that fall due for repayment, or providing new loans to customers.
One assumes that 39% of net sales and 60% of profits will work out to be the same for ImClone.
The council will co-ordinate the work of existing bodies who oversee net safety and implement a comprehensive programme that will educate parents about the benefits and dangers of using the net.
Pacioretty scored on Montreal's 28th shot 7:04 into the third as he slid a shot in from the edge of the crease after some clever work by Brendan Gallagher behind the net.
Some would call the hording of wealth greed, but it's a fair bet that the millions of Americans presently unemployed wouldn't mind Gates and Buffett adding a few zeros to their net worths if it meant those looking for work could find good jobs.
Cast a wide net: these days you can just as easily work for a company around the globe as one around the corner.
Being a schemer with no equal anywhere, Arda set to work clandestinely on setting up a safety net as protective of her daughter as it was capable of keeping her abreast of every one of the girl's madcap schemes.
Professor Harnad argues that what is at issue is what he calls 'self piracy': copyright was drafted to protect the author from theft of his product - but academics would be dealing with their own work, so comparisons with the widespread net piracy of music, text or software do not apply.
Their work supported the low-end estimate of a net benefit from immigration of about one quarter of 1% of national income.