Pipcorn of Brooklyn is another new-style popcorn company selling mini popcorn made from hull-less kernels.
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The test will be how many new-style academic ventures make it beyond five years.
Surface has the same built-in new-style apps as every Windows 8 PC, and the same app store.
Or saying yes, and introducing a new-style Swiss army which many claim will make Swiss homes safer places.
GPs view the new-style contract that the government wants them to sign as a slur on their professional integrity.
The recently established Social Exclusion Unit, headed by Moira Wallace, a feisty new-style Treasury official, is the model to watch.
It is to outwit the online businesses that the new-style megastores are trying to turn book-buying into a rather nicer experience.
About 40 of Gary's new-style paintings will go on display at the Affordable Art Fair at London's Battersea Park from 21-24 October.
Will the new-style bonds really make defaults easier to clear up?
Get ready for some new-style billing from telecommunications providers.
New speakeasy-style bars in New York City pay homage to the 1920s.
Vince Cable has spoken of a "New-Deal-style-stimulus" but he does not mean that the government should spend more than it is planning to.
The new band includes an American guitarist, the first single release -- 'The Death of You and Me' -- has a New Orleans-style brass section, and the videos for all the singles so far -- including 'Dream On' and 'AKA ...
The company is using the new Metro-style interface to create new versions of many services on Xbox Live.
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Greek-style pastrami is leaner, moister, and less salty than its New York-style deli cousin, and very wet, stored in a vat of warm, paprika-infused beef broth.
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She will be responsible for all Sky's "content" except sport, including a number of planned new channels: a second general entertainment channel to sit alongside Sky One, a version of the same channel to go on the new BBC-backed Freeview service which is to replace ITV Digital, and three new MTV-style music channels.
Tuesday morning, people arrived at the Richards' home in the working-class neighborhood dotted with large New England-style homes.
CNN: Boy killed in Boston blast wrote, 'No more hurting people'
Early Tuesday, people arrived at the Richards' home in the working-class neighborhood dotted with large New England-style homes.
MPs were tired of trying to defend intellectually incoherent policies too often dictated by short-term electoral opportunism, while left-leaning activists suspected them of a New Labour-style plot to hijack the party.
The New York-style deli (though not a part of the New York City-based chain) was conceived by two brothers, one an ex stockbroker and the other a chef.
Mr Booker has launched a New York-style war on crime, including zero tolerance of infractions and the setting up of a new narcotics division.
On a recent visit, the scent of fresh paint was in the air as a 14-year-old boy from the eastern suburbs was hard at work on a huge pink, New York-style work of graffiti.
All of the companies and trusts are wholly council-owned, and all have Labour councillors as paid board members (although in a New Labour-style effort at inclusion they also have Scot Nat board members and report to a committee chaired by a Liberal Democrat councillor).
Instead, patrons can enjoy live music and New Orleans-style cuisine, from jumbo shrimp to jambalaya.
Yet Baltimore's efforts have been held back by political fears of New York-style abuses.
And the hard work of coming up with a brand new art-style had largely been taken care of.
If you scoot over to Mesa, try TQLA, which is a fairly new Southwestern-style eatery that boasts more than 80 varieties of tequila.
So their Africa has wonderful architecture but no roadside rubbish dumps, lively streets but no beggars, plush New York-style apartments but no shanty towns.
Instead of an encore, Marsalis and other members of the JLCO returned to usher Crosby, Stills and Nash offstage in a lively New Orleans-style Second Line march.
Boris Johnson, in the lead up to the London mayoral elections, announced his plan to publish "New York-style" crime maps of London, which have just gone online.