Ed Kashi's work in the Niger Delta documents the existential nightmare of what oil wealth means in reality.
The kidnapping of foreigners and wealthy Nigerians is common in the oil-rich Niger Delta region, and has become a lucrative trade for criminals.
One of the main rebel groups fighting in the Niger Delta has called off its unilateral ceasefire, just weeks after announcing the truce.
ECONOMIST: A big rebel group in the Niger Delta calls off its ceasefire
The 12 police officers were reported missing, presumed dead, after gunmen attacked a police boat in the creeks of the Niger Delta, officials said.
In 2009, then-Nigerian President Musa Yar Adua granted an amnesty to thousands of militants wreaking havoc in the oil-rich Niger Delta in the south.
Kashi, an American photojournalist, spent three years compiling his photos of the Niger Delta, making a total of five trips to the troubled region.
Local activists in the Niger Delta, which produces most of Nigeria's oil, regularly kidnap oil workers for ransom or smash installations, sometimes seriously cutting production.
Shell's local subsidiary is the top foreign oil producer in the Niger Delta, an oil-rich region of mangroves and swamps about the size of Portugal.
An email purportedly from the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend) said it was responsible for the ambush in southern Nigeria on Friday.
Many of these groups have been backed by political figures or ethnic figures in the Niger Delta, to vie for influence ahead of elections in 2007.
The overall objective of this project is to help improve biodiversity conservation and benefit people who are dependent on the health of Niger Delta for their livelihoods.
Aluko is now Deputy CEO and a leading shareholder of Seven Energy, which has operations and key interests in four onshore fields in the Niger Delta.
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In June, up to 200 people were killed in fighting between three different groups in the oil-rich but underdeveloped Niger delta region around the town of Warri.
The 700, 000-square-kilometer Niger Delta is one of the most important wetlands in the world and home to 31 million people -- 60 percent of whom, according to the U.N.
The kidnapping of foreigners and wealthy Nigerians is common in the oil-rich Niger Delta region, in the south of the country, and has become a lucrative trade for criminals.
BBC: Nigeria foreign workers abducted in Bauchi state - police
Kreddha has been involved in mediation work in the Niger Delta, and in New Caledonia between a mining corporation, Goro Nickel, and an indigenous environmental organisation called Rheebu Nuu.
So, Ofeibea, the group that's holding the oil workers is called the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, and it's fairly new in Nigeria, but well organized, I gather.
Huge problems await the next government: social unrest in the oil-producing areas of the Niger Delta, grinding poverty in the north, everywhere a collapse of long-neglected infrastructure, particularly in telecommunications and electricity.
In the Niger Delta region, his homeland, where militants have long campaigned for a greater share of their land's oil revenues, he vowed to build on Mr Yar'Adua's amnesty of last summer.
ECONOMIST: Nigeria's new president: Good luck, Jonathan | The
Friday night it gave foreign oil interests in Nigeria, especially Shell, which the main operator in Niger Delta, till midnight Friday to leave the area or face what one commander called total war.
When Jonathan became vice president in 2007, MEND said its operations helped him gain national prominence, which propelled the neglected Niger Delta region and its largest ethnic group, the Ijaw, into the spotlight.
Another verdict is due later this year in a court in London, in a case that thousands of people from one badly polluted Niger Delta community hope will force Shell to pay compensation.
Born in Warri in the oil-rich Niger Delta to a Nigerian father and German mother, as a teen Ms. Egbuna, who performs as Nneka, relocated to study anthropology at the University of Hamburg.
Mr. DINO MAHTANI (Reporter, Financial Times): Usually, in the Niger Delta, you have a series of armed groups who crawl the swamps and the rivers, tapping into pipelines, emptying well heads, and bunkering ships.
Kidnappings of expatriate oil workers in the Niger Delta region by the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) earlier this year have also increased concerns surrounding the security of the county's energy infrastructure.
In "Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta, " Ed Kashi captures the impact of the oil industry on Nigeria's environment and people since it was first discovered five decades ago.
This week's violence in the north comes on top of unceasing violence in the southern Niger Delta region, where an insurgency by militants demanding a bigger share of the country's oil wealth continues to disrupt oil exports.
He reported on wars in Sudan, Angola and on the Eritrea-Ethiopia border, elections in Algeria and Kenya, Aids in Mali, unrest in the Niger Delta, and conducted one of the BBC's last interviews with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.
His immediate problem is the Niger Delta, the source of almost all of Nigeria's oil wealth and the battleground for numerous local wars, with rival groups fighting for resources and the largesse of the big oil companies operating there.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the main rebel group fighting for political autonomy and local resource control in the oil-producing Niger Delta region, has called off its unilateral ceasefire, just weeks after announcing the move.
ECONOMIST: A big rebel group in the Niger Delta calls off its ceasefire