The weather was foul, the stadium was nigh on deserted, the opposition were poor.
This newspaper has been looking for a credible liberal party in Britain for nigh on a century.
After putting pen to paper it's nigh on impossible to settle on 35 or 36 players - just who do you leave out?
But being heard over the din of Labour's death throes - Nick Clegg's words not mine - will be difficult if not nigh on impossible.
After all, that was the lesson of Iraq - winning the war was easy, winning the peace proved nigh on impossible and hugely costly both in terms of cash and men.
Government supporters said it would be "nigh on impossible" to negotiate a budget reduction given the lack of support among other EU nations and urged MPs to back Mr Cameron's call for an inflation-linked rise as the minimum acceptable outcome.
With the DUP seeking to capture the unionist centre-ground, Tom Elliot's assertion that he wouldn't serve under Sinn Fein as deputy first minister sounded like another signal that the UUP is shifting into TUV territory (in fact the mathematical possibility of this outcome appears so remote as to be nigh on impossible).
With the turn and bounce becoming increasingly unpredictable, Harbhajan and Mishra were nigh-on unplayable for the lower order.
Unfortunately, the operation often causes nerve damage which can make it nigh-on-impossible for men to achieve erection afterwards, or maintain complete control over urination.
Around back, the port layout of the Wii is nigh-on identical with that of the Wii U, albeit with the fan moved an inch (or so) to the right, making space for HDMI output.
Since Roberto Martinez arrived at Wigan last summer and since Owen Coyle turned up at Bolton last month, both have tried to get their teams playing passing football, but in these wretched conditions it was nigh-on impossible.
They have gained ground against the Shabab since invading in mid-December, though the Kenyans have got bogged down on nigh-impassable roads.
The pair put on 62 for the ninth wicket, but the end was nigh when Ali and Pipe again combined to remove Kerr.
Meanwhile, in Germany, about 12.5% of Germans who are civil employees or above a certain income opt out of the public system altogether and rely solely on private coverage--even though they know it is well nigh impossible to return to the public system once they switch.
The constraints on New York's schools chancellor are so great that the job may be well-nigh impossible.