"I broke it originally about nine years ago and I never got it fixed, " he said.
We started buying and selling books nine years ago when we were both working day jobs.
Nine years ago he woke up in the middle of the night, nauseated, dizzy--and completely deaf.
There have been 139 deaths since vCJD emerged in the UK nine years ago.
Jeremy Johnston, who moved to Beijing nine years ago, has since joined the group Yin Tsang.
Janet Valentine's daughter Kayleigh died nine years ago at the age of four months.
When Joseph Brocia set up shop on Christopher Street nine years ago, Leonard was not happy.
Vermont legalized civil unions nine years ago in response to a ruling from its high court.
Nine years ago Raburn, an early Microsoft veteran who was living in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Nine years ago, 30, 000 people died in an earthquake in Bam in southeastern Kerman province.
CNN: More than 300 killed, 3,000 injured in Iran earthquakes
His first ride in the Derby came nine years ago when he finished seventh on Golden Ball.
His fine and ban were increased because of a conviction for driving while drunk about nine years ago.
BBC: Guildford leader Stephen Mansbridge gets drink-drive ban
Nine years ago I was on the wrong side of this argument with Diane Greene, founder of VMWare.
Nine years ago the Oklahoma Spine Hospital popped up across town, owned by a handful of its doctors.
Chany, who studied commerce at college, had a breast transplant nine years ago, after finishing compulsory military service.
Nine years ago America embarked on a campaign to sign open-skies deals in Europe and around the world.
Mr. Kau co-founded "Blacks Only" nine years ago in a dig at exclusive white clubs of the apartheid era.
His quest began long before he founded his own business nine years ago.
She jumped to Franklin Templeton nine years ago as an analyst and rose to comanage Discovery four years ago.
His wife Sarah has British parents and grandparents, their other son William was born in Edinburgh nine years ago.
Hoover notes that Xerox nine years ago set up PARC as an independent (but wholly owned) business unit inside Xerox.
Mr. Graves drinks less wine today than he did before an infection left him partially paralyzed almost nine years ago.
The CHD, for instance, founded by just four people only nine years ago, now has a staff of over 70.
When Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLC appointed its first CDO nine years ago, the executive worked under the umbrella of the human-resources department.
The arrangement has worked well since the deal was struck nine years ago, said Mr. Valenta, who wouldn't identify the company.
We invested in this one probably eight or nine years ago and it was a company that was a Medicaid insurer.
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When I was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma nine years ago, only half of newly diagnosed patients survived more than five years.
CNN: I ran 50 marathons in 50 states, all while battling cancer
Also present: a sign that was first hung on a fence outside the home when she was first reported missing nine years ago.
Nine years ago, I created this company to serve members of communities in danger of being left behind by the traditional banking system.
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The report concluded the measures, put in place by Labour nine years ago, were "over-complicated" and should be replaced by a single civil order.